
Marketing, communication and media

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Marketing and Media Management Department of the School of Communication of the University of Navarra focuses its teaching and research on the intersection between marketing, communication and media. Its core areas of work are marketing, institutional communication, and media Economics and management .


The purpose of department is to work in these three areas with a approach multidisciplinary . As far as marketing is concerned, starting from the essential foundations of discipline, work is done especially in areas core topic such as research of markets, development of strategies, management of brands, and assessment and measurement of results. In the field of communication, approach is directed towards public relations, crisis management and strategic communication. In the field of media Economics and management , where department was originally created, aspects of management of communication companies and analysis of markets and media consumption are addressed.

The teaching on these topics depends on department in the Degrees of Marketing, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication, and in the programs of postgraduate program Master's Degree Executive in management of Communication Companies (MEGEC) and Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication (MCPC).

The history of department dates back to its creation in 1976 as department of business Informative and Information Structure. Its founder and first director was Professor Alfonso Nieto, teacher of many of the current professors of department, and inspirer of the approach professor and researcher that has been maintained to the present. 

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Research activity



Published in

Vive la Différence? Business Journalism in its Global Uniformity and Variety

Book "The Routledge Companion to Business Journalism".

The Historical Evolution of Economic, Business, and Financial Journalism

Book "The Routledge Companion to Business Journalism".

Entrepreneurial Business Journalism in Spanish-Speaking Countries

Book "The Routledge Companion to Business Journalism".

The Impact of Market-Driven Revenues on the Boundaries of Journalism

Book "Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital average"

The Ignoring of "People" in the Journalistic Coverage of Economic Crises. The Housing Bubble and the Euro Crisis in Spain.

Journalism Practice 17 (5), 930-947

Spain's "national character" in "The Economist".

Publishing Services of the University of Navarra

Trust, disinformation, and digital average: Perceptions and expectations about news in a polarized environment.

Information professional 32 (5)

Revenue diversification strategies of online news organisations: subscriptions and memberships

Information professional 32 (2)


Global Marketing Conference, 417-421

Instagram: Digital Behavior in Luxury Fashion Brands

International Conference on Fashion communication: between tradition and future digital developments

(Re) discovering the Human Element in Public Relations and Communication Management in Unpredictable Times

Emerald Publishing Limited

Journalists in average companies: Proposals for an anthropology of their work.

Church, Communication and Culture 8 (1), 43-58

Overcoming the Age Barrier: Improving Older Adults' Detection of Political Disinformation With average Literacy

average and Communication 11 (4), 113-123

The role of communication in open innovation processes: an action research study in the automotive industry

Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 21 ...

Colloquy with Jim Macnamara: Listening, the missing essential in communication

Church, Communication and Culture 8 (2), 308-324.

Trust Categories for Television News and Indicators for its Measurement: Perceptions of Stakeholders in Germany, Spain and Italy Categories of Trust for Television News...


Categories of trust for television news and indicators for their measurement: Perceptions of stakeholders in Germany, Spain and Italy.


Chapter 3. University and entrepreneurship. The challenge to train communication graduates in management.

Espejo de Monografías de Comunicación Social, 49-67

Influence of news interest, payment of digital news, and primary news sources in average trust. A moderated mediation model

Journal of average Business Studies, 1-25

Questioning Public Service average in Egypt and Spain

International Journal of Communication 17, 24

Exploratory study on what 'engagement' means in media companies

Journal of Communication 22 (2), 339-352

Exploring What Audience Engagement Means for average Companies

Journal of Communication 22 (2), 339-352

Monetization of digital newspapers: Experimentation with brand extension and buying influence.

Information professional 32 (1)

Monetization of digital newspapers: brand extension experiences and purchase prescription.

Information Professional 32 (1)

Severe polarization: the fracturing of the social fabric

The Conversation

Why citizens have the right to healthy political communication in election periods

The Conversation

Are election campaigns organized with voters in mind?

The Conversation

Natalia Quintas-Froufe and Ana González-Neira (Coords.), Los programs of study de la audiencia: De la tradición a la innovación. Published by Gedisa, Barcelona (2021), 261 pp.

Communication & Society, 205-206

Combating misinformation with media literacy: an analysis of trends in the European Union.


The role of influencers in the consumption decisions of Spanish minors

Doxa Comunicacion

From attention to intention in mobile advertising. Analysis of the ads that generate interaction among the new generations of users.

Communication & Society 20

The critical consumption of influencers by minors in Slovakia.

methaodos. journal of social sciences 11 (2), 4

Digital Fit: the influence of social networks on children's diet and physical appearance

Fundación MAPFRE Magazine

Social average Influencers Defined by Adolescents

KOME 11 (2)

"Fake or not, I'm sharing it": teen perception about disinformation in social networks

Young Consumers

Viral challenges as a digital entertainment phenomenon among children. Perceptions, motivations and critical skills of minors.


Children's perceptions of their parents' role in their use of social networks.

International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 1-27

Presentation: The never-ending challenge: Exploring the renewed impact of digital technologies on journalism

Anàlisi 68, 3-6

Do I question what influencers sell me? Integration of critical thinking in the advertising literacy of Spanish adolescents.

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1), 1-12

How to teach the elderly to detect disinformation: a training experiment with WhatsApp

Information professional 32 (5)

Algorithmic Intimacy. The Digital Revolution in staff Relationships, by Anthony Elliott.

programs of study Public, 1-7

Distrust by default: analysis of parent and child reactions to health misinformation exposure on TikTok.

International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 28 (1), 2244595

The growth of the offer and the perceptions of television content quality

Journal of average Business Studies 20 (1), 1-26

Description of the Exposure of the Most-Followed Spanish Instamoms' Children to Social average

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (3), 2426.

Fashion empowering women: Sterotypes in the TV dramedy series House of Cards, Suits and Emily in Paris.

Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 1-16

Localization Strategies in Fashion Influencer Marketing: An exploratory study.

Panamerican Journal of Communication 5 (1), 51-68

Localization strategies in fashion influencer marketing: an exploratory study.

Panamerican Journal of Communication 5 (1), 51-68

Fashion brands in the metaverse: Brand marketing and consumer engagement initiatives.

Global Marketing Conference, 958-962

Fashion Shows: The Greatest Show on Earth

International Conference on Fashion communication: between tradition and future digital developments

Not solely influencers in the communication plan: a comparative study in the fashion field

Mediterranean Communication Magazine

E-Commerce as a Source of Revenue in Spanish Digital News average

average and Communication


PhD Student



Minors and influencer marketing: advertising literacy in the face of new persuasive formats in social networks.

Zozaya Durazo, Luisa


Charo Sádaba Chalezquer
Beatriz Feijoo Fernández

framework reputation. Implications for university governance

Fernández-Gubieda Lacalle, Santiago


Elena Gutiérrez García
Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero

The management of corporate branding in the Spanish audiovisual sector

Pereira Villazón, Tatiana


Idoia Portilla Manjón
Natalia Rodriguez Salcedo.

Digital literacy: a multidimensional view of digital competencies in 21st century skills frameworks
in 21st century skills frameworks

Martínez Bravo, Mª Cristina


Charo Sádaba Chalezquer
Javier Serrano Puche

Globalised Online News: The Role of Digital Intermediaries in the average Value Chain".

González Tosat, Clara


Charo Sádaba Chalezquer
Andreas Veglis

Communication and open innovation: an internal corporate perspective

Yáñez Galdames, Mª Jesús


Elena Gutiérrez García

Dimensions of management of journalistic branding from the perspective of audiences: a comparative analysis.

Burguera Pérez. Mª Ángeles


Alfonso Vara Miguel
Ángel Arrese Reca

Contribution of public and institutional policies to the research developed in Ecuadorian universities with programs of study in communication.

Calva Cabrera, Ketty Daniela


Idoia Portilla Manjón
Francisco Campos Freire

proposal of a comprehensive accommodative leadership model (ALF) for the development of multicultural high performing teams.

Zambonino Vázquez, Francisco Javier


Alfonso Vara Miguel

The impact of digital transformation on companies: a survey of managers and employees.

Foncillas Díaz-Plaja, Pablo


Fco. Javier Pérez Latre
Mónica Herrero Subías

Adaptation as a survival mode in a market at training. The case of elmundo.es 1996-2020.

Sangil Santamaria, Luis


Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero
Fco. Javier Pérez Latre.

Strategic Importance of Internal Communication in Nigerian Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Companies Management

Okolo, Michael


Fco. Javier Pérez Latre

Misand Disinformation online: a Taxonomy of Solutions

Stiglitz, Anya


Ángel Arrese Reca

The role of Thinks Tanks as average diary Setters: The Spanish Case at U.S. Press (1999-2013)

Paro Naredo, Pablo


Alfonso Vara Miguel

Environmental influences in the pre-university decision process: the case of the University of Navarra.

Fernández Torregrosa, Antonio María


Ángel Arrese Reca

The use of social networks for brand reputation: The case of Antena 3 Noticias management

Benguría Aguirreche, Jaime


Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero
Co-director: Mónica Herrero Subías

development and validation of a scale to measure the quality of television products

Kimber Camussetti, David Israel


Mercedes Medina Laverón
Co-director: Teresa Nozal Cantarero

Innovation and Commercial Communication: an integrative conceptual approach.

Sanz Llopis, Jorge Juan


Xavier Bringué conference room
Co-director: Cristina Sánchez Blanco

The engagement relationship in on-demand television. The case of Netflix Spain

Urgellés Molina, Alicia


Mónica Herrero Subías
Co-director: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado

Engagement and television audiences in Colombia: proposal of a qualitative analysis model

González Bernal, Manuel Ignacio


Xavier Bringué Sala

Business models for the press on the Internet. The case of The Wall Street Journal

Díaz Espina, Carolina


Alfonso Vara
Co-director: Robert Picard

The impact of mobile-mediated communication on adolescents' social relationships.

Vidales Bolaños, Mª José


Charo Sádaba Chalezquer

The digital transformation of the agency of advertising. Analysis of the Spanish case

Kaufmann Argueta, Jürg


Ángel Arrese Reca

Relational segmentation

Baiocchi, Reynaldo Gustavo


Francisco Javier Pérez Latre

The process of Institutional Communication in the Catholic Church. Content analysis of the messages in press during WYD Madrid 2011.

Vera BeorleguiI, José Gabriel


Natalia Rodríguez Salcedo

The affinity index as a measure of television news quality

López Sanz, Mª Eugenia


Mercedes Medina Laverón
Enrique Guerrero Perez

The business in the public sphere: management communicative of its political dimension

Piñera Camacho, Alejandra


Elena Gutiérrez García

Reputation measurement in the online environment. Feasibility study on social networks Facebook and Twitter.

Itoiz López, Maite


Idoia Portilla

The museum as a social institution: the communication process as tool for the reconstruction of communities.

Cordón Benito, David


Natalia Rodríguez Salcedo

Contribution of visual merchandising to the communication of fashion brand identity in retailing

Llovet Rodríguez, Carmen


Charo Sádaba Chalezquer
Teresa Sádaba Garraza

Communicative dimension of business. Analysis applied to the telecommunications sector

Recalde Viana, Mónica


Elena Gutiérrez García

The organization around brands as a competitive advantage: the case of Unity publishing house

García-Mansilla, Gustavo


Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero
Co-director: Mónica Herrero

Aplicaciones anidadas


Departmental management committee

Visor de contenido web (Global)

Cristina Sánchez-Blanco

Chief of Staff

Marketing and Media Management

Natalia Rodríguez

Deputy Director

Marketing and Media Management

Ángel Arrese

Deputy Director

Marketing and Media Management

Mónica Recalde

Administrative assistant academic

Marketing and Media Management

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



From department depends the teaching on the mentioned topics in the Degrees Marketing, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication, and in the programs of postgraduate program Master's Degree Executive in management of Communication Companies (MEGEC) and Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication (MCPC).

Aplicaciones anidadas


Degree in Marketing


Degree in Journalism


Degree in Audiovisual Communication

Aplicaciones anidadas


Master in Media Management


Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication


International Programme in Fashion Communication

Aplicaciones anidadas


Boarding students

A student intern is a student who joins department to collaborate in tasks of teaching and/or research, performing tasks that are compatible with their dedication to study and that contribute to their academic and professional training . Therefore, being student intern means participating in the university work , collaborating in the professor and research activity of the professors of the School of Communication.

Being student intern is an opportunity to acquire a solid and complete university training , as it provides an experience that allows acquiring or developing some of the skills, aptitudes and attitudes necessary to work with skill professionally. At the same time, having contact with the teaching and research tasks of the Departments is an opportunity to get to know from the inside the work that is carried out in the School and can be the entrance gateway to the degree program academic .
