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Aplicaciones anidadas


The MUP is based on three distinctive elements:

Aplicaciones anidadas



Professionals and professors of recognized prestige

 EXPERIENCIA  Prácticas de alta calidad


High quality practices



contact with industry experts


    What will you learn?    

The curricular contents of the subjects related to the corresponding specialization professor as well as the body of didactic knowledge about the respective processes of teaching and learning.

You will learn to plan, develop and evaluate the process of teaching and learning, promoting educational processes that facilitate the acquisition of the competences of the respective courses, taking into account the level and previous training of the students as well as their orientation, both individually and in partnership with other teachers and professionals of the centre.

Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, the emotional and values-based Education , equal rights and opportunities between men and women, citizenship training and respect for human rights that facilitate life in society, decision-making and the construction of a sustainable future.

directora y coordinadora

Dr. Elena Arbués
Academic Director

Luz Dayanna Rojas
Coordinator of Master's Degree 

Aplicaciones anidadas


    You will be able to work in...    

The Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and high school diploma, professional training and language teaching (MUP) is an official university degree scroll that enables the exercise of the faculty of Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and high school diploma, professional training and language teaching .

  • Public examinations for access to the body of Teachers of teaching Secondary Education in public schools

  • Working in private and state-subsidised schools

  • International high school diploma International: search employment in over 4500 IB schools worldwide, in three official languages (Spanish, English and French).

  • Access to programs of study of doctorate