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Academic publications

Andreu Pinillos, A., Fernández-Fernández, J.L., & Fernández Mateo, J.. (2018). Critical review of the Corporate Governance dimension in Sustainability index questionnaires. Revista de Comunicación, 17(2), 09-40.

Andreu Pinillos, A., Fernández-Fernández, J. L., & Fernández Mateo, J. (2018). A critical review of the corporate governance dimension in the sustainability indexes questionnaires. REVISTA DE COMUNICACION-PERU, 17(2), 9-40.

Pinillos, A. A., & Mateo, J. F. (2018). The purpose of the data: introduction to Data Ethics. In Aspectos legales, retos y reflexiones para el development de la responsabilidad social: report académica curso 2017-2018 (pp. 113-126). Comillas Pontifical University.

Fernández, J. L. F., Mateo, J. F., & Pinillos, A. A. Critical review of sustainability index questionnaires in the light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Fernández Fernández, J. L., Fernández Mateo, J., & Andreu Pinillos, A. (2019). A critical review of the sustainable business indices at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Andreu Pinillos, A. (2020). Sustainable development Goals: strengths and weaknesses to achieve the diary 2030. Icade. Revista De La School De Derecho, (108). Retrieved from

Andreu-Pinillos, A., Fernández-Fernández, J.-L., & Fernández-Mateo, J. (2020). Corporate governance in sustainability indices: a Spanish case study . Revista De Comunicación, 19(2), 7-28. https://doi. org/10.26441/RC19.2-2020-A1

Andreu Pinillos, A., Fernández-Fernández, J.-L., & Fernández Mateo, J. (2020). Past, present and future of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). development . Technology as a catalyst (or inhibitor) of the diary 2030. Icade. Revista De La School De Derecho, (108).

Alfaro-Tanco, J. A.; Avella, L.; Moscoso, P.; Näslund, D. (2021). An Evaluation Framework for the Dual Contribution of Action Research: Opportunities and Challenges in the Field of Operations Management, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Vol. 20, pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.1177/16094069211017636

Agholor, D., Lleo, A., & Serrano, N. (2017). Mentoring future engineers in higher education: a descriptive study using a developed conceptual framework. Production, 27 (spe), e20162207.

Aranda, C, Arellano, J. and Davila, A. (2021) "Budgeting in Public Organizations: The Influence of Managerial and Political Aspects". European Accounting Review.

Aranda, C., Arellano, J . and Dávila, A. (2019) "Subjective bonuses and target setting in budget-based incentive contracts". Management Accounting Research. Vol. 43 pp. 45 - 60

Aranda, C., Arellano, J. and Dávila, A. (2017) "Organizational learning in target setting". Academy of management journal Vol. 60 N° 3 pp. 1189 - 1211.

Erro-Garcés, Amaya; Alfaro-Tanco, José Antonio (2020), Action Research as a goal-Methodology in the Management Field, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1609406920917489

Ferrero, I., Díaz de la Cruz, C.; Fernández, J.L and Llull, R. Ethical Decision-making: From Practice to Theory". Journal of Applied Ethics. In pres 

Ferrero, I., Gómez, E. and Cuñado, J. "How to Effectively Communicate your Code of Ethics. An Empirical Study using a Cluster Randomized Control Trial Experiment". Co-authored with Business and Society Review. In press.

Ferrero, I., Rocchi, M., Pellegrini, M. M. and Reichert, E. (2020) "Practical wisdom: A virtue for leaders. Bringing together Aquinas and Authentic Leadership". Business Ethics: A European Review.

Ferrero, I.,; M. Meyer; A.J.G. Sisón. 2018.... "How Positive and Neo-Aristotelian Leadership can contribute to Ethical Leadership". Canadian Journal of Administrative Science. DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1511.

Ferrero, I.,; G. Guitián; A.J.G. Sisón; 2017. "Characterizing virtues in finance". Journal of Business Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s10551-017-3596-1: 1-13. 

Ferrero, I.,; J. RuizAlba; M. Pellegrini. 2017. "Experiential learning in virtues ethics through a case study: The 'St. Albans Family Enterprise'". Journal of Business Ethics Education. 14: 229-240.

Ferrero, I; J. RuizAlba; M. Pellegrini. 2017. "St Albans Family Enterprises" A Case Study. Journal of Business Ethics Education. 14: 307-314.

Ferrero, I; Marta Rochi. 2017. "Wall Street and the (ir)relevance of ethics: The training of financial analysts' character". Corporate Social Responsibility. 26: 101-123 

Gutiérrez-García, E.; Recalde, M.; Alfaro, J. A. (2021) Corporate communication in open innovation: a case-study of three multinationals. Corporate Communications. 26 - 2, pp.348 - 364. ISSN 1356-3289. DOI: 10.1108/CCIJ-02-2020-0048

Jurburg, D.; Viles , E.; Tanco, M.; Mateo, R.; Lleo-de-Nalda, A. (2019). Understanding the main organizational antecedents of employee participation in continuous improvement. TQM Journal. Vol. 31 No 3, pp. 359-376. DOI: 10.1108/TQM-10-2018-0135

Lleó, A., Ruiz-Palomino, P., Guillén, M., Marrades-Pastor. E. (2022). The role of ethical trustworthiness in shaping trust and affective commitment in schools. Ethics & Behaviors. Accepted. Doi: 10.1080/10508422.2022.2034504

Lleó, A.; Bastons, M.; Rey, C.; Ruiz-Pérez, F. (2021). Purpose implementation: conceptualization and measurement. Sustainability. Vol. 13. 

Lleo, A., Ruiz-Palomino, P., Viles, E., & Muñoz-Villamizar, A. F. (2021). A valid and reliable scale for measuring middle managers' trustworthiness in continuous improvement. International Journal of Production Economics, 242, 108280.

Lleo, A., Viles, E., Jurburg, D., & Santos, J. (2020). Key middle manager trustworthy behaviours that enhance operator participation in continuous improvement systems. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. Vol. 12 No 3, pp. 229-245. DOI 10.1108/IJQSS-10-2019-0118 

Lleó, A., Agholor , D., Serrano, N., Prieto-Sandoval, V., (2018) "A mentoring programme based on competency development at a Spanish university: An action research study". European Journal on Engineering Education. 43:5, 706-724

Lleó, A; Viles , E.; Jurburg, D.; Lomas, L. (2017): "Strengthening employee participation and commitment to continuous improvement through middle manager trustworthy behaviours". Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 28 (9-10), pp: 974-988.

Muñoz-Villamizar, A.; Santos, J.; Garcia-Sabater, J.J.; Lleó, A.; Grau, P. (2019): Green value stream mapping approach to improving productivity and environmental performance: A case study. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol. 68 No. 3, pp. 608-625 In press. DOI: 10.1108/IJPPM-06-2018-0216.

Olloqui, I.; Recalde, M.; Alfaro, J. A. (2021). Factors for promoting social innovation along the supply chain: new challenges and opportunities. UCJC Business and Society Review. Second quarter, pp. 180-221. ISSN: 2659-3270. DOI: 10.3232/UBR.2021.V18.N2.04

Oltra, María José; Flor, María Luisa; Alfaro, José Antonio (2018). Open innovation and firm performance: the role of organizational mechanisms. Business Process Management Journal. 24 - 3, pp.814 - 836. ISSN 1463-7154. DOI 10.1108/BPMJ-05-2016-009 

Ormazabal, M.; Jaca, C.; Prieto-Sandoval, V.; Lleo-de-Nalda, A. (2019) Increasing Engineering Students' Involvement in Circular Economy Practices. report Engineering Research. 16. Pp: 99-107

Pinto-Garay, J., Ferrero, I. and Scalzo, G. (2021) "Pricing for a Common Good: beyond Ethical Minimalism in Commercial Practices". Philosophy of Management.

Pinto-Garay, J., Scalzo, G. and Ferrero, I. (2021) "Autonomy and Subordination. Virtuous Work in Light of Aristotelian Practical Knowledge in Organizational Theory". Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 40(I): 47-80.

Rodríguez, María Isabel; Alfaro, José Antonio; Sandulli, Francesc (2017). Relevant factors of innovation contests for SMEs. Business Process Management Journal. 23 - 6, pp.1196 - 1215. ISSN 1463-7154. DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-10-2016-0201.

Roncella, A., and Ferrero, I. (2021) "The Ethics of Financial Market Making and its implications for High-Frequency Trading". Journal of Business Ethics.

Roncella, A., and Ferrero, I. (2020) "A MacIntyrean Perspective on the Collapse of a Money Market Fund". Journal of Business Ethics. 165(1): 29-43.

Rocchi, M., Ferrero, I. and Beadle, R (2021) "Can Finance be a Virtuous Practice? A MacIntyrean Account" Business Ethics Quarterly. 31(1): 75-105.

Ruiz-Pérez, F., Lleó, Á., & Ormazábal, M. (2021). Employee sustainable behaviors and their relationship with Corporate Sustainability: A Delphi study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129742.

Ruiz-Pérez, F., Lleó, Á., Viles, E., & Jurburg, D. (2020). Enhancing participation through organisational drivers. The TQM Journal. Vol. 33 No 4, pp. 823-840 DOI 10.1108/TQM-01-2020-0012 

Sison, A. J., Ferrero, I. and Redin, D. M. (2020) "Some virtue ethics implication from Aristotelian and Confucian Perspectives on Family and Business". Journal of Business Ethics. 165: 241-254.

Alfaro, José Antonio; Mejía, A.; Recalde, Mónica; Rodríguez, María Isabel. (2017). Business associations as drivers of strategic innovation in companies. EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S. A. ISBN 978-84-313-3178-8.

Ferrero, I. (2021) Ética de la actividad económica y empresarial. EUNSA, Pamplona.

Viles, E.; Ormazabal, M.; Lleó, A. (2017) "Closing the Gap Between Practice and Research in Industrial Engineering". Springer

Lleó, A.; Agholor , D.; Ruiz-Pérez, F. (2020). Tu&Co: University Mentoring. Eunsa

Ferrero, I. and Pinto, J. (2022). "Research Ethics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. In The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Edlund, J. E., and Nichols, A. L. (Eds.). Cambridge University Press. In press

Ferrero, I., Pinto, J. and Scalzo, G. (2022). "Three Rival Versions of Work and Technology: Smith, Marx, and MacIntyre in Discussion". In Philosophy for Business Ethics Book. Faldetta, G., Mollona, E. and Pellegrini, M (Eds.). Routledge Ed. In press.

Ferrero, I., Pinto, J. and Scalzo, G. (2021). "Virtuous Work and Organizational Culture. How Aristotelian Practical Wisdom can Humanize Business". In Human Centered Organizational Culture: Global Dimensions. Lepeley, M. T., Morales, O., Essens, P., Beutell, N. J., & Majluf, N. (Eds.), 118-126. Routledge.

Ferrero, I. Rocchi M. and Redín D.M. (2020). "Practical Wisdom in the Recovery of Virtue Ethics. In Handbook of Practical Wisdom in Business and Management. International Handbooks in Business Ethics. Schwartz B., Bernacchio C., González-Cantón C., Robson A. (Eds). Springer, Cham.

Ferrero, I. Roncella A. and Rocchi M. (2020). "A Virtue Ethics Approach in Finance". In Handbook on Ethics in Finance. International Handbooks in Business Ethics. San-Jose L., Retolaza J., van Liedekerke L. (Eds). Springer, Cham.

Lleo, A., Rey, C., & Chinchilla, N. (2019). Measuring the Purpose Strength. In Purpose-driven Organizations (pp. 119-130). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-17674-7

Lleo-de-Nalda, Á., Goena, J. I. T., Díez, E. V., & Santos, J. (2018). Which 4.0 Professional Competencies Should Develop Middle Managers and Operators?. In de Castro, R; Gimenez, G (ed) Advances in engineering networs. (pp. 3-10). Springer, Cham. 

Lomas, L.; Lleó, A.; Viles , E.; Jurburg, D. (2018) "Developing a pre-scale for evaluating supervisors' directive style in continuous improvement environments". In Ortiz, A.; Andrés Romano, C.A.; Poler, R.; García-Sabater, J.P. (ed) Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, pp:, Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-96005-0


Other Publications

Andreu, A.; Arellano, J.; Velaz, I and Bello, L. (2021): White Paper on work a Distancia en España. Carried out for the association Professional Human Capital Managers (DCH).

García-García, S. (2022). Organisational resilience: the secret is in the system. BEDSIDE BOOKS. 

López Álex. Digital customer, digital seller. 2nd updated edition. EDICIONES CÓDICE.

López Álex. Digital Selling: The importance of data in digital sales. Ebook.

López Álex. Social Selling. Ebook.

López Álex. Linkedin for companies. Ebook.

López Álex. Discover how to use Periscope in your online marketing and social selling strategy. Ebook.

López Álex. Smarketing and Social Selling. Ebook.

Perez Monzón, A. and Cantera, Herrero, F.J. (2020) Líder Sherpa: Más alto, más lejos, más rápido. publishing house UNIVERSITARIA RAMÓN ARECES, Madrid

Andreu, A.; Arellano, J. and Bello, L. (2021) Was teleworking deflating before the omicron explosion?

Andreu, A.; Arellano, J. and Bello, L. (2021) How people telework in other European countries:

Andreu, A.; Arellano, J. and Bello, L. (2021) Why is it necessary to manage senior talent in organisations?

García-García, S. (2022). Trends in technology applied to talent acquisition. Capital humano: revista para la integración y development de los recursos humanos, (375), 3.

García-García, S. (2021). Hybrid models: it's not how much and where, but who and how. Capital humano: revista para la integración y development de los recursos humanos, (369), 2.

García-García, S. (2021). What do we talk about when we talk about new forms of work? Human Capital: journal for the integration and development of human resources, (364), 3.

López Álex (2022). accredited specialization on LinkedIn will allow you to search for a lawyer through its new online portal .

López Álex (2022). The customer has changed. Ready for digital sales?. TedX Talks.

López Álex (2021). accredited specialization on How to turn your team (and yourself) into top-notch digital marketers

López Álex (2021). Report. Álex López: from restaurant ticket salesman to global marketing expert on LinkedIn

Manso, María (2022). Biases and quality of data. The Data Scientist Magazine.

Manso, María (2021). Podcast. The 'big data' financial aid to take control of your professional degree program .

Manso, María (2021). Report. "Opportunity" allows professionals to design their own path at BBVA. Report

Manso, María (2020). Reportaje. BBVA gives its employees the tools to boost their professional career.

Manso, María (2020). Interview and accredited specialization in El País. Her promotion is decided by an algorithm. Interview and accredited specialization in El País. 

Manso, María (2020). Report. People Analytics: In search of the profile 'unicorn' and quality data.

Viladrich, A. (2018) Quo vadis Sodena.