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Aplicaciones anidadas


What you will learn

Leadership requires knowledge of specific areas: strategy, finance, commercial management and analysis of status business. Throughout this programme, student develops the global perspective of business, which is necessary for area of Personnel Management Service to contribute effectively to reinforcing corporate objectives.


Because you will be able to work in:

The academic and theoretical specialization is completed with experience internship. The master's degree incorporates this experience with 4 months of work in a human resources department at business. During these months, the student can plan and define their work Final Master's Degree.

These are some of the companies that have welcomed MDPO students in recent years:

These are some of the companies that have welcomed MDPO students in recent years:



For the quality of our teachers...

The MDPO has a academic staff that combines, on the one hand, theexperience professor and research of the University of Navarra, and, on the other hand, with the real internship of renowned professionals from leading national and multinational companies. Thanks to this faculty, MDPO students receive the best possible tools, not only to face real business situations, thanks to practical cases and the experience of real situations, but also to resolve these situations based on reflection from the theoretical knowledge , the research, values and ethics.

Aplicaciones anidadas

"Alguien que se quiere dedicar al mundo de los RR.HH. debe conocer bien el mundo de los negocios"


"El mayor reto para el director de personas está en humanizar la función"