To transform, acontinuous training
We offer training in Transfer knowledge and skills so that you can acquire the vision of its value and transform your projects into an impact for society.
With lectures by expert personalities and references.
On the importance of Technology Transfer and knowledge.
The exchange of ideas and networking among attendees.
TRANSFER ACADEMY financial aid to generate projects with innovative potential and transferability with two approaches:
This program seeks to sensitize researchers to the value of Transfer.
To this end, 3 specific itineraries have been designed for 3 areas of knowledge:
Health, Technology and Social Sciences and Humanities.
With this program, researchers acquire basic transfer notions applicable to their daily scientific work. In addition, this interaction among scientists seeks to strengthen networking and create groups of work to promote initiatives with high potential for transfer.

15-20 researchers will attend training sessions on specific topics of Transfer and Innovation in the health sector so that they can be applied to their projects.

15-20 researchers will attend training sessions on specific topics of Transfer and Innovation in the technology sector so that they can be applied to their projects.
Social Sciences

In strategic alliance with the DINA-ITC Program (CSIC and UPV) this pathway proposes structured courses of great value in the field of Transfer and Innovation in Social Sciences and Humanities.
Awakening the

We want to generate interest and enthusiasm through testimonials from renowned personalities. Awaken your curiosity and desire to participate in our transfer programs and learn about opportunities to innovate.
Promote the

We want the content of the conferences not to leave you indifferent. Its value is in your learning, to enhance your motivation and in activate your drive to innovate.

The talks are an opportunity to exchange of ideas and the establishment of networkingwith experts and among researchers. With them, we facilitate the partnership, mutual learning and the generation of synergies.

An active business-academia interaction promotes the visibility and reach of the results of research. It boosts the generation of knowledgethe talent attraction. Like result: a research with impact.