Ruta de navegación



Aplicaciones anidadas

Menú de navegación


  • average Have a minimum score of 8 at the end of the first semester of 1st year.

  • issue A maximum of 25 students is established for entrance . If this number is not reached, access to the programme will be assessed for the best 10% of each Degree. If, on the other hand, there are more issue students with this average , the option of raising the access average will be considered.

  • The entrance can be accessed at 3 points in time.

  • At the end of the first semester of 1st.

  • At the end of the first semester of 2nd year for single Degrees (including ELG).

  • At the end of the first semester of 3rd year in the case of double Degrees .

  • Students who wish to enter in 2nd and 3rd year must have a average of 8. For this access there will be a issue limit of places depending on the number of members who are currently part of the programme in the course they wish to enter. To apply for the Admissions Office you must fill in the following form form.

  • The Admissions Office to the programme will be the responsibility of the School. Students who meet these requirements requirements will be invited to participate in the programme through the Coordination of programs of study and they will be asked to confirm their acceptance to participate by filling in a form which will be provided to them.

  • Have, at the end of each academic year, a average equal to or higher than 8 for both single (including ELG) and double Degrees .

  • Not to have any subject failed after the June re-sit examination period of each course.

  • Finish the Degree with a average equal to or higher than 8 for single (including ELG) and double Degrees .

  • Have participated in the activities of the programme, as a minimum a:

  • 4 training seminars

  • 1 workshop

  • 8 masterclasses

  • Carrying out service activities: delegation of programs of study, support seminars for other students, volunteer activities accredited, participation in a Tantaka activity, being part of the committee of a University club or being a member of the student representation.