Ruta de navegación

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas




Wake up

With Marina Gascón and Beatriz Martínez de Olcoz

Authors: Beatriz Martínez de Olcoz, Marina Gascón, Ángela Erice, Paula Sierra, Ane Azua, Iván Luquin, Unai Yoldi, Nagore Ziluaga, Sergio Serrano and Laura Rodríguez.

Awake will get you up and running in no time at all. A programme made by and for young people, in which we promise to discover a variety of topics and, above all, fun. We will deal with the lesser-known curiosities of the series and films of the moment and the most curious news of the week, among many other topics. We are also committed to an acoustic music section featuring our artist of the week live.


Aplicaciones anidadas
