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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


We are on our way up


We are on our way up

Authors: Lucía Cidón, Laura Romero, Amaia Molinero, Leyre Sanz, Diego Sánchez, Pilar Ramón, Igor Sarasola, Leyre Miranda, Andrea Pérez, Adrián Samayoa, Juan Alegría and Daniel Orbaiz.

"Nos venimos arriba" is a podcast whose episodes are marked by altitude. Living at the top of a skyscraper or in a village in the Pyrenees; working many meters above the ground or climbing Everest will be some of the topics we will address. Throughout five episodes we will try to give a voice to the inhabitants of the heights, to know a little more about their way of life. With its advantages and disadvantages, altitude increases the field of vision and with it, the height of vision. Join us to discover it.

Aplicaciones anidadas
