
The team is the most important thing, without a team we are nothing.

Four members of the organization talked to us about their experience at the signature.

PwC is one of the world's leading professional services firms. With more than 170 years of experience, PwC specializes in audit, transaction, consultancy service , tax and legal advisory service , helping organizations solve their most complex challenges and seize new opportunities in an ever-changing globalized world. The signature has a global network of more than 284,000 employees in more than 157 countries, which allows it to offer a comprehensive solutions approach tailored to the local and international needs of its clients, with values such as diversity, equity and inclusion in the process.

Its organizational culture, in addition to standing out for its closeness, companionship and work , is described as dynamic and made up of restless people whose maxim is to never stop learning. 

Amaia Otaola Martínez, Partner of People & Organisation Tax & Legal Spain with more than 17 years of experience in the signature, shared with us her passion for work and the importance of attitude, enthusiasm and dedication in professional development . His team, composed of 101 professionals, is responsible for addressing the challenges and specific needs of clients in all areas that affect human capital. Their testimony reflected the spirit of PwC: to face challenges without limits or monotony. Price is a training school, what you have to do is go with enthusiasm, enthusiasm, be restless and be a team player.

"Lo que y lo que valgo es lo que me ha inculcado Price"- Amaia Otaola


Elisa Palau León, consultant in the area of People & Organization and former student of the Master's Degree in Personnel Management Service in Organizations (MDPO), told us about the great staff growth she has experienced in PwC, highlighting the maturity and autonomy she has acquired in her first year at the signature. He mentioned the importance of continuous learning for the organization, pointing out that as long as the business bets on you, the most valuable thing is to continue growing with a team that supports you. He also stressed the importance of work , a core topic that he had the opportunity to develop during his training at the MDPO and that is being very useful in his work life.

"The team is what more important, without team no we are nothing"- Elisa Palau

In addition, two more MDPO alumni , who are currently doing their internships in the HR consultancy service area of People & Organization, told us how they are experiencing the process:

For his part, José María González Alconchel highlighted how the consultancy service allows to get to know the world of Human Resources from different perspectives, which greatly enriches professionals. He described PwC as a real "labor university", where young people have the opportunity to work on interesting projects and learn constantly.

Finally, María Martínez Serrano shared with us how her experience in consultancy service has opened her eyes to all that can be done in the field of Human Resources. Until you are not inside, you are not aware of the magnitude and the possibilities that this world offers, something that for her is being really enriching. Finally, she remarked how grateful she feels for the warm welcome and support she has received from her colleagues at PwC.

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