
"The entire human resource base today needs technology."

María Martínez Serrano. Máster de dirección de personas en las Organizaciones

Ms. Pilar LLacer. Philosopher, specialist in Human Resources, Digital Transformation, Sustainability and Ethical Leadership (PhD).

Last Monday, October 9, in the sessions "My experience managing people" of the MDPO, we were able to know in depth the innovative thinking and experience of Pilar Llácer, PhD in Philosophy, writer and specialist in HR and digital transformation, who helped us to understand the interesting combination between ethical humanism and technological progress for the management of people in companies.

The management of human resources consists, to a large extent, in the management of the knowledge that we have of the people who work in our organizations. Then the problem that Pilar presented to us in this session arises: how can we know and lead the people in our organization, for example, if we are a business with 10,000 workers? This can be done perfectly through the technological innovations available to us today.

"The entire human resources base today needs technology. Because only through technology can we make our model of management people scalable". That is why the degree scroll of her second book is "Why Human Resources should be like NETFLIX" (Almuzara 2019) Because it is a vital experience within everyone's reach that the NETFLIX algorithm knows us perfectly, and manages the information it has about us quickly and efficiently, offering us a quality service. Pilar wittily argued us the similarities that NETFLIX has with an HR department , which should be able to interpret all the information it has about its employees (preferences, opinions, history, needs, suggestions, etc) and adapt its policies and programs accordingly. In addition, HR should further personalize its relationships with its employees based on all this database it possesses. Just like NETFLIX does, for example, with an email message calling us by name, a personalized advertisement on a social network , advertising based on our work history, hobbies or interests, etc.

After the session with Pilar Llácer we realized how important it is today to rely on technology and all the possibilities offered by IA, to generate from human resources an environment of individual, close and familiar attention in a business of thousands of workers. This is a tremendously efficient way to humanize the management of people on a large scale, strengthening the relationship between the organization and the employee. If we have the information about our employees, how can we not use it to our advantage to manage and personalize attention?

Another relevant topic that we addressed in the session were the changes we are living today regarding the future of the working world. Regarding this, Pilar explained to us four certainties about the present and future of work:

  • Diversity: referring to the new interests of people beyond the mere work environment. Young talent is no longer just looking for work, but for a whole work experience of learning, growth, flexibility and conciliation, teleworking, good climate ... and, above all, the new generations demand a new speed and personalization at attention in the professional environment. Otherwise, the so-called "boredom effect" occurs, one of the causes of the very high turnover rates of young talent.
  • Technology: as a factor of fundamental transformation of the work environment. Firstly, in terms of the replacement of the physical work by work online, and the substitution of many positions at work by new technologies, which imply the reinvestment and use of human talent in other functions and new positions at work.
  • Sustainability: alluding to an increasing responsibility towards the environment on the part of companies, demanded by society. This is creating a large issue of work positions in companies, which HR must strive to attract to develop this much demanded sustainability (attraction of "green talent").
  • Pandemic: which has meant that nothing in the world of work is the same as before.


It was very interesting to reflect on how this affects the HR world. To bring our organizations in line with these certainties of the future of work, first of all, HR should personalize and streamline the management of people through technology.

The new technologies, if we use them according to a correct code of ethics as we talked about in the session, will always make us better people. Because the average talent that knows how to use them and take advantage of their benefits, turns them into super talent; especially in all administrative functions of management, Excel, software management, etc. Some Departments within companies will be completely replaced by IA, and we must know how to manage these changes in terms of environments and professional roles in order to take advantage of it. On the other hand, in relation to the "boredom effect" of young talent, the HR department must know how to manage through technology the speed and personalization that the new generations demand in the workplace, to generate something very important in the future of companies: the commitment of their employees.

Another very interesting use of technologies in the management of people that we discussed in the session was for the off-boarding process and the relationship with ex-employees. Every day that passes, turnover rates in companies are increasing, and it is becoming increasingly important for management of post-employee relations by human resources Departments . Firstly, because they are users whose data and information is held by department, and whose follow-up is much easier. Pilar explained to us that this is a very interesting new talent attraction niche for HR, because they are workers who already know the business, the on-boarding plan is simpler, and properly cultivating these relationships can be much more efficient. Through social networks and online tracking, the way of taking care of employee has changed a lot and we must know how to take advantage of this through technology, for example, AI. Many times it is more important to take care of the talent that the business already has, or that it has within its reach, than to venture into a new search process.

In relation to the new demands of young talent in companies, we also talked about the importance of reeskilling and abskilling of employees, from the HR department ; which are the internal training processes necessary to face the great change in professional roles that the technological revolution is bringing with it. These continuous training processes are the ones that will allow us a higher rate of performance, flexibility and adaptability of our talent within the organization. For this continuous training to be efficient, HR must always be in deep relationship with Business.

After this enriching session with Pilar, we have understood the importance of promoting technological innovation in companies from department Human Resources. In this way we can work for all the employees within the companies, in the closest, staff and most efficient way possible; since the most valuable thing for the organizations is the talent that participates in them.

In order to move towards technological innovation in companies, we must also recognize the "speed" at which they are operating. According to Pilar, there are three speeds: the small business, the medium, and the large. If a small business has just incorporated Excel or telephone interviewing, we should not try to introduce ChatGPT into their work methodologies. It is important to recognize the work environment to know what innovations to push for. But there is no doubt that we must move towards this "technological humanism" in companies.

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