slow: titulo

Slow Voices

Aplicaciones anidadas

slow: video


slow: memoria


Aplicaciones anidadas

slow: foto

Slow Voices

slow: descripcion

Slow Voices is a digital media aimed at young people that aims to talk about the taboos of the transition to adulthood, about those questions that we young people ask ourselves alone and do not dare to ask. In a market that only offers young people virality and fast journalism, we want to provide rest, context and an informative diary that responds to the real concerns of young people, with testimony and slow journalism as our flagship.

+ Information

Aplicaciones anidadas

Slow: quienes-somos

Who we are

José Manuel Navarro @jmnavarro_

Laura Carapeto Moreno @LauraCarapeto Moreno @LauraCarapeto

Enrique Ovejas Osés @enriquelodosa

Jesus Nicolás Sánchez @jexusnico

Magalí Ortiz Martín @MagalOrtiz

Bea Jiménez Nácher @BJN_44

Helena Torres Laguna @HTorresLaguna

María Febrer García 

Josetxo Durán Ciordia

Jorge Pellejero Fernández

slow: twitter