
Unav-Journal for Medical Students

Unav-Journal for Medical Students



The Unav-Journal for Medical Students (unav-jms) of the University of Navarra is an online, open access, biomedical journal peer review. The unav-jms publishes articles and contributions from medical disciplines by students from all over the world. The unav-jms will be published biannually to share the scientific production and experiences of students and other subject from staff at training: residents, doctoral students... in medical areas.

Our journal will publish editorials, original research, cases, and medical news that meet the quality standards set by our committee publishing house , in order to become a suitable platform for staff at training on area medicine to publish their contributions.



Mónica Hernández Gotor

Unit of Translational Medicine
C/ Irunlarrea, s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

Tel: (+34) 948 42 56 00
Ext: 806303