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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Our delegates

As delegates you will represent your country report within a specific committee where a series of proposed topics will be discussed. During the three days, you will defend the ideals and interests of your country, exchanging with representatives of other countries different points of view and possible solutions to the topic treaty, in order to reach a joint resolution.

deadline from registration open




The Chair, Co-Chair and Secretariat are the highest authorities of committee. They must ensure the correct development of the sessions of agreement to the Rules of procedure, as well as to lead to the achievement of the proposed themes. They should moderate the discussion and facilitate the involvement of all committee delegations.

deadline from registration closed


Payment registration UNMUN 2024

The price for students of the Degrees in International Relations of the University of Navarra is 15€. The price for students from other Degrees or other universities is 30€. Please enter the information at form. Thank you very much.

First and last name null
E-mail null

University students only

University students only

Degree null
Educational institution null
In which committee would you like to participate?
Previous MUN experience
Previous MUN experience null

Make payment

Make payment

Students of International Relations University of Navarra (15€)
Students from other Degrees or from other Universities (30€)
Academic fee
Academic and social fee

I have read and accept the privacy policy and terms of use*.

I have read and accept the privacy policy and terms of use*.

By ticking this box, the delegates undertake to justify their absence from model or the cancellation of their participation in the same if this occurs in the 14 days prior to UNMUN 2024. In case of withdrawal of participation in the last 14 days, the committee Organizer reservation has the right to penalize the delegates according to the status with an economic amount never higher than that of the registration.

By ticking this box, the delegates undertake to justify their absence from model or the cancellation of their participation in the same if this occurs in the 14 days prior to UNMUN 2024. In case of withdrawal of participation in the last 14 days, the committee Organizer reservation has the right to penalize the delegates according to the status with an economic amount never higher than that of the registration.


Payment has been successfully received



Payment has been successfully received



A payment error has occurred



A payment error has occurred