
Épitaphe d'une femme (193-235 p.C.)

Stèle incomplète en haut et en bas, sciée pour le remplage ; elle était en deux morceaux. It had a border, almost shot. In the niche of the main face, a woman on foot. The face is very mutilated, as well as the epigraphic champ, which prevents to know her identity. Like most of the Bordeaux inscriptions, this stele was redistilled in the wall of the end of the IIIrd century where it was found in the XIXth century in Alsace-et-Lorraine.

Dimensions : [113]/[59]/[36]

ILA Bordeaux, 341

MAB Inv. 60,1,334


DOI : 10.21412/petrae_160100900341

Rédaction: M. Navarro Caballero, L. Maurin, D. Hourcade, C. Ruiz Darasse. Photogrammetry: Fl. Comte.

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