
Epitaphe of Tiberius (117-138 B.C.)

Stele with a ribbed top. On the lower face is carved an oblong cavity that covered the funerary urn of a six-month-old child, named Tiberius. These are his parents, G. Iulius Taurinus and Maximilla, who, united in the family, have erected this monument. The onomastics of the three personages reveals a local social milieu by origin and very Romanized by culture. The father was a Roman citizen with an apparently banal and Latin name, but prevalent in the Gaule. Like most of the Bordeaux inscriptions, this stele was redisplayed in the wall of the end of the IIIrd century where it was found in the XVIIIth century on Paul-Painlevé Street.

Dimensions : 64/42/20

ILA Bordeaux, 219

MAB Inv. 60,1,142


DOI : 10.21412/petrae_160100900219

Rédaction: M. Navarro Caballero, L. Maurin, D. Hourcade, C. Ruiz Darasse. Photogrammetry: Fl. Comte.

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