
Grande colombario di Doria Pamphilij (I s. a.C.)

Presso il Casino del Bel Respiro, inside the park of Villa Doria Pamphilij, was founded in 1838 an important nucleus of sepulchral buildings, among which the c.d. Grande Colombario, the remains of which are today kept in the National Roman Museum. Of the building, built around the last decades of the I century B.C., there is preserved an ample room ipogeum with a door on L. Along the walls, under each loculus, there is a pink painted tabella, destined to host the name of the deceased, traced with black or pink ink. In only four cases, instead of the dipinte tables, the names are incised on marble slabs. The onomastic analysis has revealed that it was mostly about individuals of free extraction. The files of the niches are alternated with divided friezes, in which scenes of various natures are followed, interrupted by vertical pink lines. The decorative apparatus is based on four main subjects: nature morte, ecclesiastical, aquatic landscapes and idyllic-sacral landscapes.

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