
Inscrição do relógio da cidade (16 b.C.)

Small rectangular plate, diorite, truncated on the upper right side. Without any molding, the text presents irregular pagination, tendentially aligned to the left. It documents the offer of a relógio (of sun) to the Igaeditani, in a phase still precoce of the existence of the city, on the part of a colonist of Augusta Emerita (Merida): Quinto Tálio, son of Sexto, inscribed in the tribe Papíria. It is about a time measurement facilities with relevance in a city, because it is by it that the rhythm of urban life is regulated. The piece was discovered in 1905, in medieval reappropriation, on the wall. It is found in the Epigraphic Archive of Idanha-a-Velha.

Dimensions (cm): 33 x 44 x 10

HEp 2, 1990, 770 = ILER 2082 = AE 1961, 349 = AE 1967, 144 = AE 1992, 951 = HEp 5, 1995, 989.


Redação: Armando Redentor

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