
Iscrizione di un vicarius (S. I a.C.)

Sepulchral inscription of the vicarius Felix (I century A.D.). The slab, of circular form, was destined to close the cavity of the podium of a tomb inside of which was conserved the pot with the ceneri. The central incavo was used to defend the libagioni. Felix's godfather, Aprilis, was at the same time a schiave, as can be deduced from the term ""vicarius"", attributed to Felix.

Circular shaped slab; diameter 17,5; thickness 2,5 cm; letters 1,5-1 cm; marble.

Provenienza ignota (from the Gorga collection)

Terme di Diocleziano: la collezione epigrafica, Milano 2012, p. 37, nr. I, 13, with photo (M. Giovagnoli) - AE 2013, 0184.


Testo: Carlotta Caruso, Antonella Ferraro.

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