
Funerary inscription of Atistia (I s. b.C.)

Marble rectangular slab, shining on the sides at the foot of a wood or a table. The inscription is dedicated to the report of Atistia, mother of the foreman M. Virgiglio Eurisace, whose tomb is still visible in front of Porta Maggiore in Piazzale Labicano. The text of the dedication informs the passer-by that the ceneri of the deceased, distinguished as an optuma woman according to a form diffused from the middle of the I sec. b.C., were preserved inside a panarium, term that refers to the commercial activity of the husband.

Dimensioni: 72 x 110 x 11; lett. 6,3-7,8

CIL, I² 1206 = VI 1958

ILS 7460 d; ILLRP 850a


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