
Stele con simboli cristiani (III c. a.C.)

The upper part of the stele carved in white marble, coming from the Vatican necropolis. It is one of the oldest Christian inscriptions of Rome. The decorative apparatus is very rich, with a lemniscate wreath at the center of the fastigium and two counterweights on one side. The epigraphic specchio has been reworked in correspondence of the last two lines, on occasion of an epigraphic reprint that was part of a previous inscription. To the first writing of the text, dated between the end of the II century A.D. and the beginning of the III century A.D., belong the formula of consecration to the hands and the expression in Greek "fish of the living". Then follows the real and proper funerary text, cancelled in the middle of the III century A.D. to make room for the funerary inscription of Licinia Amias, of which only the onomastic formula and part of the biometric one are preserved.

Dimensioni: 30 x 33 x 6,7; lett. 2,5-3,5.

ICUR, I 121.


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