
Funerary stele of Priscus (late IV c. A.D.)

Marble slab in rectangular shape, with the depiction of a flower on a bouquet of olive tree, a praying figure, a christian monogram and the profile of the head of a bearded man. The inscription, unpaid with irregularities, was placed by the brother at report of Priscus, who died on May 28th at the age of thirty years. The deceased can be identified with the prophetic personage, while the association with the speaker seems more difficult. It is a repertory representation, which indicates the preaching attitude of the deceased and places him in a salvific context, as indicated by the presence of the colomba and the chrismon.

Roma, provenienza ignota

Dimensioni: 36 x 23 x 3; lett. 2-3,7

ICUR I, 2026

ILCV, 2806B

C. Carletti, Epigrafia dei cristiani in Occidente dal III al VII secolo. Ideologia e prassi, Bari 2008, p. 230, nr. 127.

Terme di Diocleziano: la collezione epigrafica, Milano 2012, p. 574, nr. IX, 29 (C. Noviello).



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