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Aplicaciones anidadas


Balmis & Zendal is a cooperative congress and volunteer activities aimed at all students of the University of Navarra and other universities. Therefore, those who are studying a university Degree , Master's Degree, postgraduate program or who have not yet started working (pre-residencyresidency program) in any field can register. 

The price of the basic registration is 18 euros, which includes participation in the sessions and activities on March 29th, as well as the lunch that will be served during the break. Finally, the gala dinner this year will be at the University Museum, and will cost 18 euros.


Aplicaciones anidadas


Row Zero

Do you want to contribute to the organisation of this event and encourage its continuity?

From the committee organiser of the congress Balmis we have decided to set up a zero row to contribute to the organisation of this event and to encourage its continuity. If you want to collaborate, you can do so by filling in the following form and thus help this project to continue growing. Thank you very much!



Please enter the information at form. Thank you very much

Name null
Surname null
Email null
Fila Cero congress Balmis null