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A congress inspired by financial aid 's first humanitarian expedition

The congress Balmis & Zendal is a tribute to the humanitarian feat that changed the course of history! Inspired by the feat of Francisco Xavier Balmis and the tireless dedication of Isabel Zendal, this event emerges as a spark of illusion and vitality, igniting the desire to change the world from the University of Navarra.

The Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition, led by Balmis, becomes our compass. The global distribution of the smallpox vaccine, carried throughout the Spanish Empire and the Americas, marked a milestone in the fight against this disease. Today, thanks to that feat, smallpox is history, eradicated worldwide.

Isabel Zendal Gómez, a Spanish nurse and president of the Orfanato de la Caridad de La Coruña, deployed her kindness and care during the Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition. She was manager of the care of the twenty-two children of the Foundling Home of La Coruña who traveled to America, and of the twenty-six who went to the Philippines, during the ten years that the expedition lasted. Her tireless work left an indelible mark in history, being recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the first nurse in mission statement international.

Balmis&Zendal Congress awakens curiosity and promotes research in cooperation for development. In addition, it opens doors to the international volunteer activities , based on three fundamental pillars:


Balmis is inspired by the first humanitarian financial aid expedition in history.

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volunteer activities international opportunities


What is and what is not cooperation at development?

Balmis & Zendal seeks to enrich the definition of words such as "financial aid", "cooperation", "volunteer activities", "development", through life experiences and master classes at position of recognised professionals.


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The congress brings the social reality of developing countries to development, so that the congress participants can put themselves in context and understand the problems that arise, as well as seek solutions and creative ideas through teamwork. Various workshops, debates and activities are organised for this purpose.


Get to know the projects

Balmis & Zendal wants to offer a space for small non-profit international cooperation projects with the goal is to establish a congressman-project relationship where there is the opportunity to get to know each other and encourage participation in this subject of initiatives.

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C/ Irunlarrea, 1

31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00
