Fund Alumni Scholarships Perpetual
Lasting social impact
A perpetual scholarship is one of the most important ways to refund to society what it has contributed and to do so in a sustainable manner over time so that the footprint generated is projected permanently into the future.
When the student scholarship recipient completes his or her programs of study, the scholarship automatically passes to another student. It is the interest that goes to the scholarship while the initial amount contributed to the Fund remains. This ensures the permanent footprint of the contribution, both because of the positive impact of the current scholarship recipients, and because it allows for recurrent funding of new beneficiaries.
Features of the programme

To set up an Alumni Perpetual scholarship , the donor, whether an individual, foundation or business, makes a contribution to the scholarship fund of at least €200,000. The average amount of the scholarship received by a student at Degree is around €8,000.

Contributions can be made in installments over a period of 5-7 years, starting with a minimum annual amount of €30,000.

Donors can define to some extent the destination of the funds they provide. They can choose, for example, the degrees that the recipients of the scholarship will pursue or their geographic origin.

The University gratefully acknowledges the generosity of donors by nominating the fund.
Endowment, a guarantee of lasting impact
A Alumni Scholarships Perpetual fund is established through a donation to the University endowment, which reinvests a portion of the interest from the initial sum into the fund itself to ensure sustainability, while applying another percentage to fund student scholarships from Degree.
An endowment is a portfolio of assets that serves to provide stable financing for part of the university's activities. It is managed internally by the investment team of the University Foundation of Navarra. The Foundation has investment regulations and expense where certain investment limits are regulated, mainly aimed at limiting risk, as well as complying with the University's values.
Endowment Alumni Scholarships 2025
Benefactors Anonymous |
Juan Pablo de Villanueva |
Bolar Foundation |
Frederick C. Edwin Melville |
board Beneficiencia Guayaquil |
Adela Ederra Indurain & Franklin Johnson Carbajal |
Casimiro Molins & Mª Dolores López Rodó |
Dr.Noel N. & Maria J.Eboh
Bruno Bernal Trujillo |
Antonio Biosca Carbonell |
Anonymous Fund |
John Erceg & Lucía Moreno |
Zulueta Garza Family |
Patricia Gurdian de Ortiz |
Mª Pilar Turrillas & Gregory Peter Geba |
Campus Home |
Íñigo Ayerra & Mª Jesús Valdemoros |