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Equipment - Nursing Simulation Centre

The Centre for Nursing Simulation offers training internship through simulators, i.e. devices that reproduce the essential characteristics of a status from work. There are different types of simulators, of which the Centre for Nursing Simulation has:

Aplicaciones anidadas


Task Trainers
Task Trainers - Nursing Simulation Centre

Task trainers are devices designed to train a skill. They can represent a part of the human body and have a built-in electronic mechanism to teach and give feedback on the skill performed.



- Bladder catheterisation

- Adult and paediatric venous puncture

- Arterial puncture

- Intramuscular, subcutaneous and intradermal puncture

- Epicranial access puncture

- Sutures

- Healing of different types of wounds

- Application of enemas

- Insertion of gastric tubes

- Ostomy care

- Breast examination

- Scrotal exploration

- CPR and AED

- Heimlich

- Orotracheal intubation

- Pulmonary and cardiac auscultation

- Tracheostomy care

- Ear canal examination 


Manikins - Simulation Centre in Nursing

This is a person-sized simulator with different levels of physiological functions and fidelity. The following mannequins are available at the Nursing Simulation Center: 



Height: 188cm

Weight: 45.4Kg

Live voice

Capacities and possibilities:

- Airway with possibility of ventilation guide

- Breathing and heart sounds

- CPR, electrical therapy

- Monitoring

- Vital signs

- Neurological, cardiocirculatory and pulmonary parameters

- Pulses

- Venous access

- Abdominal sounds

- Gastric and bladder catheterisation

- Thoracic drainage

- Physiological response to drugs and fluids

- Articulated limbs 

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Live voice

Capacities and possibilities:

- Orotracheal intubation

- Mechanical ventilation and guide

- CPR, electrical therapy

- Vital signs

- Neurological, cardiocirculatory and pulmonary parameters

- Monitoring

- ECG and electrical therapy

- Bladder catheterisation

- Physiological response to fluid and drug administration

- Venous access

- Articulated limbs with physiological movement.

Mannequin with the appearance of a geriatric patient.

Possibility to practice care: 

- Patient positioning

- Patient transfer techniques

- Bed baths

- Change of clothes

- Hair care - washing and brushing

- Oral hygiene

- Irrigation of the eye

- Oral and nasal lavage, tube feeding and suctioning

- Bladder catheterisation - female and male

- Ileostomy and colostomy care: lavage and suctioning

- Placement of nasogastric tubes

- Prostate examination (stage B) in men

- Visual inspection of: o Decubitus ulcer (Stage I)
- Dilated pupil compared to normal
- Comparison of cancerous mole with normal
- Reddened skin folds

- Papa Nicolau and douching

- Intramuscular injection in arms, thigh and buttocks

- Dressing and washing of wounds

- Hearing aid removal and insertion techniques

- Bandage for fingers and toes. Flexible fingers

- Tracheostomy care: lavage and suctioning

- Denture extraction

- Administration of enemas