Sharing success for better care
First of three meetings organized by the University of Navarra's Nursing School to celebrate its 70th anniversary and to listen to the best practices of three professionals from three hospitals of reference letter in Madrid.
Since 1954
Seven decades aware of doing something great
The research , rigor and excellence have built together with the spirit of service, empathy and a approach human our way of being and doing. A project which began more than half a century ago continues to be committed to the training of excellent professionals at the service of caring for people.
1954-2024. 70 years: Another way of being, another way of doing.
A look at the history financial aid shows how a project that began more than half a century ago is today a great School, which provides not only excellent professionals, but also people at the service of caring for people.
The research which takes place in the School of Nursing at the University of Navarra contributes to the generation of knowledge disciplinary, it favors interaction with experts from different areas of knowledge , complements and supports the teaching and becomes a area of activity in which professors-researchers put their creative potential and capabilities at the service of society. School bets in a special way on a research focused on Person-Centered Care and Health Promotion .
He campus biomedical formed by 4 Schools , 3 centers of research ( CIMA , research center Applied Medicine;CIFA, research center in Applied Pharmacobiology; CIN, research center in Nutrition) and a health center (CUN); promotes constant research to improve health and care for people.
The School Nursing has a teaching internship Unit whose goal , among others, is the development of the research in it knowledge practical and the coordination of the High Fidelity Nursing Simulation Center for the practices that are carried out from the first year of degree program . training necessary to continue with the practices from the second year onwards in the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and other public and private centers.
Relationship with the major hospitals and health centres in Navarra and Madrid. Both for the training of the students of Degree , as for students of Master's Degree the experience of being part of the team work enriches its training and prepares them for their future work.
Core Curriculum: teaching how to think
The Core Curriculum is the set of transversal subjects included in all the Degrees of the University of Navarra. Through them, it is intended to offer a humanistic Education , to promote the spirit of solidarity, as well as to develop the critical capacity to freely form one's own convictions.
A model own learning
We prepare professionals with a solid scientific and technicaltraining , endowed with a deep respect for human rights, the dignity of the sick person and his family, and with a deep social concern. In addition, we offer our students the possibility to fill in their training with one of our diplomas.
Degree in Nursing
Meet the Degree in Nursing and the four specializations that you can study during the years of degree program .
The nursing from our Alumni

Maribel Saracíbar
ENF'82. Director of the School of Nursing and first dean of the School Nursing.
"I am passionate about being a nurse: this profession that, with its care, financial aid to people and families in sometimes painful and difficult health situations."
Amparo Zaragoza
ENF'91. Professor of the School . First thesis in Nursing from the University of Navarra.
"We cannot spare any effort to achieve a preparation that enables us to better serve society. A deep intellectual preparation is necessary to be able to contribute to the improvement of society. internship "nursing".
Ana Imizcoz
"I love the definition that says that nursing is an art. I believe it! It is an Art, with capital letters, where the important thing is not the artists but the result , the work of art: patients who have found support, comfort, company and a little bit of light in the often dark world of illness."
Fabiana Perillo
"Nurses are more than just health care professionals. We are responsible for upholding human dignity, treating patients as advocates, and fighting for their health and well-being. We make a real difference in the lives we serve."
According to the QS ranking in Spain
Lines of research
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Experiential learning
The Nursing Simulation Center (CSE) is a high fidelity center. It simulates real environments and situations of the work of nursing professionals developed in a conference room Intensive Care Unit, hospital room or enquiry Nursing. All of this contributes to increasing the realism of the situations and therefore, to better learning by the students.
Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.
Beyond the classrooms

Being a student at the School Nursing is going beyond theoretical and practical classes. It is being open to opportunities to train in different areas that can help the development staff and professional. Each course both the School Like students, they organize activities that contribute to this training .
Visits to hospitals and health centres: an insight into the reality of nursing through experts in different specialties.
Advancement of internships abroad: opportunity to experience nursing in another country during the summer.
classroom healthy: initiative to make the University a place where the work can be combined with a healthy lifestyle partnership with other entities.
More than 1,600 University students and alumni connect with 177 companies at employment Fair
It was held for the first time in a hybrid format: in person at the postgraduate program headquarters in Madrid and, at the same time, on a virtual platform.
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The School of Nursing of the University, on its 70th anniversary, awards 12 scholarships to 12 reference letter hospitals in Madrid.
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More than 1,400 people participated in the University's open-door conference
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Sharing success for better care
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