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Another way of being, another way of doing


This year the School Nursing has a lot to celebrate; we are making 70 years of history!

That is why on October 4 and 5, coinciding with the Alumni Weekend of the University of Navarra, will take place at Campus in Pamplona, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the School Nursing.



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Summarizing 70 years of history is a real challenge. The stories lived, the advances and projects... make up a panorama of growth and improvement, which we at School de Enfermería want to celebrate.

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Since the beginning of the then School of Nursing at the Estudio General de Navarra in 1954, the 'Another way of being / Another way of doing' has been the foundation on which project has been built, with almost 8,000 nurses trained around the world.



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A look at the history financial aid shows how a project that began more than half a century ago is today a great School, which provides not only excellent professionals, but also people at the service of caring for people.

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We want these days to be a tribute to all the professors and students who have passed through our classrooms, writing the milestones and contributing to the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra to maintain a constant desire to improve; and especially, we pay our recognition to the pioneers who marked the first promotion and who have been the real guide to write these years.



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07 | 10 | 2024

The University celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the School of Nursing

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History of the School


  • 1954

    School of Nursing

    The School of Nurses of the Estudio General de Navarra was born in 1954. Classes began at the conference room conference room of the high school de Higiene (C/ Leyre), a place given by its director, Dr. José Viñes, after a agreement with the Diputación.

    The first management team of the School was formed by María Casal, the first director; María Jesús Domingo, head nurse; and Mariví Tabernero, administrative assistant. They were joined by Sagrario Aguinaga.

    School of Nursing
  • 1954

    First promotion

    In order to get female students, a advertisement was placed in the newspaper to announce that programs of study for Female Health Technical Assistants was starting at the Estudio General de Navarra. Twelve enrollments were expected that first year, and they doubled: there were 24.

    From the beginning, the nursing students were recognizable by their uniform. design by Flora Villarreal, a prominent Madrid dressmaker, was tobacco-colored (and not white, as was customary). The stripes on the coif indicated the course of the students.

    First promotion
  • 1955

    "Old School".

    Soon it was necessary to have more resources: facilities and a place to practice from the first year. In 1955 the Nursing classes (like those of Medicine) were moved to the so-called "Old School", a pavilion that was in disuse inside the Hospital de Navarra.

    To the first subjects, Anatomy Functional and General Pathology, were added General Biology, Human Histology, Microbiology and Parasitology and General Hygiene, thanks to the reinforcement provided by the incorporation of the Irish Eileen Maher and Angela Mouriz.

  • 1958

    "Escuela Nueva"

    In 1958, doctors and nurses moved to the "Escuela Nueva", the first building of the future University.

    The arrival that year of Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri to Medicine was also a boost for the School.

  • 1960


    In 1960, the specialties in Nursing began with Midwifery. Later, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Psychiatry, Physiotherapy, Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Pediatrics, operating room, Intensive Care, Internal Medicine and Clinical Analysis.

  • 1961

    First phase of the Clinic

    In November 1961, the construction of the 1st phase of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra was completed. Nursing practices were then divided between this first phase, Pavilion F (transferred a few years earlier) and the general services of the Hospital de Navarra itself.

    First phase of the Clinic
  • 1968


    In 1968 the role of the instructor was created in the School: nurses who have studied a specialization program and with great experience; they are in charge of the teaching internship of the students, guiding them from the professional point of view and staff.

  • 1974

    Course for staff professor

    Between November 29 and December 1, 1974, the I Course for staff professor of Nursing Schools was held at the University. A national meeting attended by more than 200 professionals from all over Spain.

    Course for staff professor
  • 1977

    University school

    In 1977, the Schools of Nursing finally reached university status in Spain. The duration of the programs of study remained at 3 years, but a new Study program was approved with subjects more related to the degree program and more practical.

    University school
  • 1989

    First international agreement

    In 1989 the School of Nursing signed the first agreement with the University of Edinburgh. The agreement allowed the realization of programs of study from doctorate, something that was not yet possible in Spain.

    First international agreement
  • 1995

    Student Symposium

    On March 10-11, 1995, the School organized the I Symposium for Nursing Students, which gathered 375 participants.

    Student Symposium
  • 2002

    Palliative Care

    In 2002, subject Palliative Care began to be taught at the School.

    Palliative Care
  • 2004

    First Doctor of Nursing

    In March 2004 Amparo Zaragoza defended the first thesis in Nursing of the University. She did it in Glasgow (England) on the Nursing Care Process, becoming one of the first PhDs in this discipline in Spain.

    First Doctor of Nursing
  • 2007

    María Egea Chair

    In 2007, the Chair María Egea was created in Nursing with the aim of promoting the research in Nursing.

    María Egea Chair
  • 2007-2008

    Master's Degree

    In 2007-2008 he started the Master's Degree at Nursing Science; in 2010-2011 it changed its name to Master's Degree from research and internship Advanced Nursing; and in 2013-2014 it became Master's Degree at internship Advanced and management Nursing.

    Master's Degree
  • 2009


    In 2009 the diploma program was transformed into Degree, going from 3 to 4 courses. The programs of study of Nursing was equalized to the rest of the disciplines and it became possible to access programs of study from Master's Degree and doctorate. Mercedes Díez del Corral was the director of the School at that time.

  • 2010-2011


    In the 2010-11 academic year, the Ministry of Education approved the change in the name of the School to School. The director became dean. The first was Mercedes Díez del Corral, who since 2011 has alternated at position with Maribel Saracíbar.

  • 2011-2012

    doctoral program

    In the 2011-2012 academic year, the School launched the Master's Degree in Palliative Care.

    That year, also, the first doctoral program was approved at Nursing Science. The first thesis began to be defended in 2015.

    doctoral program
  • 2013

    "International Nursing Program

    In 2013, the "International Nursing Program" was launched, a commitment to the internationalization of the School offering exchanges and internships during the summer.

    Since 2014, the School also offers the summer course "Nursing Summer School".

  • 2016

    Simulation Center

    In 2016, the School inaugurated its Simulation Center, a commitment to High Fidelity Advanced Clinical Simulation as a complementary method of learning and assessment of students.

    Simulation Center
  • 2022-2023


    This academic year 2022-23 has begun to be taught in the campus of Madrid of the University the Master's Degree in internship Advanced Nursing in Oncology. The first class has 20 students.

