
The School of Nursing of the University of Navarra has an important international dimension that is strengthened year after year through its agreements with universities in other countries in Europe, Asia and America.
Currently, there are numerous international agreements that allow students and professors of the School to carry out exchanges with various universities.
Here is all the information about the international offer of School.
- Birmingham City University (United Kingdom)
- Stirling University (UK)
- St. Joseph's Hospice (United Kingdom)
- Università Campus Biomedico di Roma (Italy)
- Università di Bologna (Italy)
- University of Cagliari
- Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)
- Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)
- Columbia University (USA)
- University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)
- North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)
- Indiana Unviersity (USA)
- Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
- Catholic University (Chile)
- University of La Sabana (Colombia)
- Austral University (Argentina)
- School of Nursing, Universidad Panamericana (Mexico)
Grants will be applied for after the student has been admitted at host university.
With the exception of the financial aid Erasmus and the scholarship of the Ministry, the rest of the grants are and will be requested and managed by the student.
This financial aid is financed by the European Union and is managed directly by home university. It is not a scholarship in the strict sense, but a financial aid intended to compensate travel expenses. The approximate amount is 100 euros per month. This financial aid will be paid in two installments: 70% at the beginning of the exchange (although it is generally paid late) and 30% upon return from exchange. This scholarship will be managed directly with the International Office of the University of Navarra.
-Person to contact at contact: Andrea Rodríguez -
The requirements that students must fulfil in order to receive this financial aid are:
Participate in a programme of exchange with a university with which School has a agreement within the Life Long Learning Program.
Fill in the required forms on the required dates (The coordinator of the mobility Programmes will provide them to student):
a. subsidy contract. It must be duly signed before leaving exchange, together with a photocopy of the bank book of the bank where student wants the financial aid refunded.
b. learning agreement (Learning Agreement).
c. certificate of stay. This is the document certifying the period of overseas study period. It must be signed by the host university and handed in at School when the student returns.
d. report student's final. It consists of a survey in which the student must evaluate different questions about his or her overseas study period. It is submission on the student's return.
It is a financial aid funded by the Ministry of Education and managed directly by the student's home university . The amount can vary greatly from one academic year to another, but is generally around €100 per month. As with the scholarship Erasmus, payment is made in two instalments: 70% at the beginning of the exchange and 30% on return.
Target group: University of Navarra students from any degree scroll of Degree and postgraduate program, with a good academic transcript and an excellent level of English, who have been selected to carry out an international placement internship in non-EU countries.
Characteristics: The criteria for awarding the scholarship are based on the academic transcript , the level of language and the formative quality of the internship. The financial aid is €1,400 in total.
Target group: university students from Navarre or with residency program in Navarre, enrolled in Spanish universities and participating in an international mobility program .
Characteristics: this call includes academic performance as a criterion for the awarding of grants. The financial aid is €90/month for the duration of the stay, which complements the allocation given by the universities that call for applications for the mobility programmes. The grants are paid at the end of the stay, once the actual duration of the stay has been certified.
Kutxa-Caja Guipuzkoa San Sebastián
Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa
Caja Vital Kutxa
- Other possibilities:
The coordinator de internacional de la School, will send students information on all calls for applications for grants that are open and that may be of interest to them.
Students are advised to regularly visit websites such as, where numerous calls for scholarships are published.
The accommodation during any of these international programs is the responsibility of each student participating in the program. The system of residencies and apartments varies from country to country. The School of Nursing offers the recommendations provided by the academic or health centers of destination and puts in contact to student with colleagues from previous courses who have made their international experience in the same country.
The costs of administrative fees (if required by some destinations), travel, accommodation, visa and insurance shall be borne by student.
The School provides the information and the characteristics of the visas required by the country and the host university, the procedures must be carried out by student. The visa subject will be different for each destination. It is recommended to carry out this process with the maximum anticipation since in some cases it requires several weeks of procedure.
Non-European students who are in Spain with a visa must ensure that their documentation is in order to re-enter Spain after the International Experience.
Before the beginning of the international stay, it is recommended to prepare and contract a personalized medical coverage.
Students traveling to a European Union country must have the card European Health Insurance Card. This card provides access to the benefits of the health system of the European country of destination, under the same conditions as its resident citizens. Given the coverage of the card European Health Insurance, it is also recommended to have a private insurance.
Students traveling outside the EU are responsible for taking out private health insurance to cover all their needs abroad.
Clara Cabrera Moreno
International Coordinator