International voluntary internships
As part of the international commitment of School Nursing, students who have completed their third or fourth year have the possibility of apply for to participate in a voluntary international internship.
The requirements for the apply for such stay are:
- Be student of 3rd or 4th course
- Have a grade average higher than 7
- Proof of a level of English equivalent to the "Certificate of Advanced English" (C1), in the case of English-speaking stays.
The selection criterion for the allocation of places will be the academic transcript .
Those students of the School of Nursing interested in doing a voluntary stay abroad, may apply by sending an email to Clara Cabrera(
*Due to the current health status , the exchanges will be carried out as long as the health authorities of the hospitals where the School has signed a agreement permit a clinical internship . Due to the sanitary status this summer it will not be possible to carry out this activity.
Clara Cabrera
School of Nursing
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425600