National voluntary practices
The student is the one who takes the initiative, leads and manages the whole process of its internship with the advice of the School. In this way, he/she acquires professional competencies that are very necessary for his/her future incorporation to work space; decision making, proactivity, discretion, communication, responsibility in the processes, etc...
More information
→ Possess a grade average in the academic transcript equal to or higher than 7.5 after the December call of the course in which the extracurricular internship is to be carried out.
→ Be accepted by the center where they want to do the internship within the established deadlines.
→ Register by following the corresponding process.
→ Attach the documentation on the date and in the format requested.
→ The student should contact the center in which he/she wants to carry out the extracurricular internship.
→ In the event that the student is accepted for the extracurricular internship, the center must complete and sign the following Acceptance Sheet and deliver it to student, who will be responsible for sending it to the following e-mail address:
IMPORTANT: The deadline for sending the Acceptance Form to the e-mail address of School indicated, ends on April 9.
→ Once the documentation has been processed between the center and School of Nursing, the student must accept the place through Portal of employment of the University of Navarra.
Jokin Sánchez
School of Nursing
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425600