The School of Nursing organizes for the students who complete the second year of the International Nursing Program the possibility of getting to know other health systems through an academic or clinical experience at internship . Thanks to the agreements that School has with other institutions, students will be able to have a clinical or academic experience.
This is a short stay (which may be between 2 and 4 weeks), with mandatory character, in which the student will acquire a broaderknowledge on different aspects of nursing that will contribute to their learning as a future professional care.
The available destinations will be informed at the beginning of each academic year.
The selection process will start with a single call for these students during the first quarter.
The ranking for the allocation of these places is made in order of transcript academic order according to the preferences of the students. Students must always comply with the requirements of language established by the destination centers.
The third year students of Degree in Nursing who, while taking the International Nursing Program, wish to have, on a voluntary basis, a second international experience, may opt for it once the process of assigning places for second year students has been completed.
For the International Experience, the student is responsible for the preparation of the documentation required by the host universities, being the School of Nursing the established channel for this communication.
As there is a direct agreement between the University of Navarra and each of the academic or health centers where the International Experience is carried out, the student should not contact, apart from the School, with the destination institutions to manage their own international experience.
Advance documentation:
Once the places are published and even before the acceptance final, students can advance some procedures in the required documentation.
Vaccination schedule.
Letters of recommendation: they are usually requested in several destinations.
Curriculum vitae: it is advisable to submit it to language at internship at the time of acceptance to place.
Passport: make sure it is valid.
Declaration manager:
All students will be required to sign as acceptance of place a declaration document manager provided by School.
At the beginning of the academic year, the coordinator of International of the School of Nursing informs the students of the destinations, the ranking and the process of the international experience.
During the first trimester student will know which destination has been assigned to you, according to your preferences and in order of academic transcript (taking into account that a minimum must be reached at transcript). Once this destination is known (city and dates of their international experience) they can begin to manage the trip (flights, accommodation, visas...).
The acceptance of place will be made in written form through the signature of a statement manager provided by the School.
The following documentation should be sent to submit :
1. certificate from attendance to the internship.
2. Sheet of assessment. This must include the signature of manager of the internship and the stamp of the center where the stay has taken place.
After the stay, the student will carry out an online survey of satisfaction that will facilitate the coordinator of International of the School of Nursing.

International experience is mandatory to obtain the Diploma of the International Nursing Program?

When is the international experience available?
In the summer of the 2nd year

Can the experience be done at a different time of the year?
In principle, we do not

What courses do I need to have passed in order to go on an international experience?
They are required to take Adult I, Adult II and Pharmacology; and to have C the Practicum I to be able to go to the international experience.
The accommodation during the International Experience is the responsibility of each student participating in the program. The system of residences and apartments varies from country to country. The School of Nursing offers the recommendations provided by the academic or health centers of destination and puts in contact to student with colleagues from previous courses who have made their international experience in the same country.
The costs of administrative fees (if required by some destinations), travel, accommodation, visa and insurance shall be borne by student.
The School provides the information and the characteristics of the visas required by the country and the host university, the procedures must be carried out by student. The visa subject will be different for each destination. It is recommended to carry out this process with the maximum anticipation since in some cases it requires several weeks of procedure.
Non-European students who are in Spain with a visa must ensure that their documentation is in order to re-enter Spain after the International Experience.
Before the beginning of the international stay, it is recommended to prepare and contract a personalized medical coverage.
Students traveling to a European Union country must have the card European Health Insurance Card. This card provides access to the benefits of the health system of the European country of destination, under the same conditions as its resident citizens. Given the coverage of the card European Health Insurance, it is also recommended to have a private insurance.
Students traveling outside the EU are responsible for taking out private health insurance to cover all their needs abroad.