It is a degree scroll of the University of Navarra that provides student interns with conceptual and methodological tools to be able to develop in the future a teaching and a research of excellence, and to exercise leadership roles in the academic and professional spheres.
This diploma aims to introduce students to the different areas of influence in which a nurse can exercise leadership: clinical, teaching and research. It will also allow them to recognize the different responsibilities that the nurse can assume in each context and their direct contribution to development of knowledge and the improvement in the health outcomes of patients/families.



2 years
(Starts in 3rd grade)

For students with 7.5 from grade average at transcript or higher.
To know and deepen in the different profiles (academic, researcher and clinical) of nursing and their scope.
Acquire and enhance teaching, research and clinical leadership skills .
Understand the process of scientific research and the relevance of research for the clinical internship .
Be able to identify a problem or gap, susceptible to be investigated by nurses, to generate a solution or innovation.
Perform internship reflective, incorporating scientific evidence.
To develop the capacity for reflection, judgment and argumentation.
Encourage the desire to continue learning (future postgraduate programs of study ) and, thus, develop the potential staff.
To deepen in the knowledge of the organization and the nurse's role within the team multidisciplinary, for excellent patient/family care.

The Diploma is integrated by a theoretical part (subjects), which facilitates the acquisition of theoretical and conceptual knowledge in research, teaching and clinical leadership, as well as a part internship, which incorporates direct interaction with professors, researchers and nurse leaders of the School Nursing and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
In addition to taking the 18 ECTS credit and internship tutorials, during the course there will be the possibility of participating in activities related to academic talent and research in nursing, which will complement the training in teaching skills, research tools and professional leadership.
The diploma promotes and stimulates the collaborativework between teacher-researchers and nurse leaders with the students of Degree. For this purpose, as a guideline, and in parallel to the theoretical training received by the students of diploma, these are some of the initiatives in which the student can collaborate, within the internship part of diploma, and depending on the activity being developed by the tutor assigned to each student:
partnership in the development y assessment of subjects.
design and implementation of innovation projects professor.
Elaboration and presentation of proposals for research to competitive calls for proposals.
Organization and participation in seminars and/or conference from research.
Participation as assistant and assistant to research within projects of the School.
Participation in activities organized from the School as the conference of career guidance (JOP), the International Summer School, volunteer activities or training courses taught at the Center for Nursing Simulation (CSE).
partnership at committees of a unit/service or collaborative body of the Clinic.
Participation in improvement projectsinternship evidence-based or research projects, at partnership with CUN nursing or multidisciplinary teams.
Participation in congresses o conference nursing.
Participation in activities of training for CUN nursing professionals.
A maximum of 15 students per course will be selected.
It will be held annually in the month of May (for each academic year) and a maximum of 15 students per course will be selected. In principle, 5 students will be assigned to each course. department and 5 students to the Unit of teaching internship . In the event that the allocated quota is not filled, places may be awarded to the department where the highest issue of candidates have applied.
The department will study the applications received and will conduct an interview staff to each candidate.
Academic qualifications, special knowledge -languages, computer skills, etc.-, the design of the curriculum staff, professional skills and other merits presented by applicant will be taken into account for the awarding of positions.
The candidacies will be approved by the board Directive of the School to proposal of the Direction of the corresponding Departments .
Selected students will be informed before June 15 so that they can accept the place and enroll in the corresponding subject .

Scientific English / Scientific English

instructions Foundation of Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences / Foundation of Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences

Introduction to collaboration professor and research I (elective subject from discipline)

Introduction to Teaching and Research Collaboration II (elective subject from the discipline)
work End of Degree / Final Degree Project