What will you learn?
At Degree in Nursing, as a science, we train our students with a solid scientific and technical base. It is also a profession of service to others, which is why we provide all our students with a human, cultural and ethical training that enables them to work with a vocation for service. In other words, it is not only a teaching model based on scientific and technical training, but also a model with an ethicalapproach focused on human relations.
From the first year, students carry out their practical training at our Nursing Simulation Centre where they put into practice the knowledge they acquire, not only in the first year, but also throughout the four years of their degree in a safe environment. Clínica Universidad de Navarra and in other public and private healthcare centres in the Navarra healthcare network.
You will acquire skills such as:
Each student has a nursing professional for the development of the supervised clinicalinternship .
Students complete more than 2,500 clinical practicum hours during the Degree.
Students have the possibility to take a exchange semester during the 3rd and 4th year with universities in Europe and America.
You will be able to work in...
The School of Nursing of the University of Navarra prepares professionals with a solid scientific, human, cultural and ethicaltraining , which enables them to work as general nurses, with a vocation of service to the person and society, in favor of life, respecting the freedom and dignity of the healthy or sick person and their environment.
From the first year of Degree we promote the employability of our students, helping them to acquire and develop the most appropriate competences through a employability map which guides them to the employment opportunities of their choice.

International Nursing Program

During the Degree you will be able to take the pathway International Nursing Program (INP) that prepares nursing professionals with an international profile . This degree scroll of the University of Navarra allows you to complete 25% of the Degree in English (60 ECTS credit). It also includes an international training experience during the months of June or July in a hospital abroad.