It is a pioneeringdegree scroll in Spain and Europe. Designed from innovation professor, care and research, its goal is to offer students the opportunity to deepen, during the four years of degree program, in the increasingly demanded field of palliative care.
A average above 7 in 1st high school program is required for admission.



4 years.


Through this Diploma, it is intended that the student:
Better understand and care for the person with serious illness or near the end of life and their family through educational, care and research resources.
To approach the reality of the person suffering from advanced disease and his family, facilitating the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge in the attendance.
The importance of providing these patients and their families with interprofessional care that helps put the patient at the center of careis encouraged.
To encourage reflective critical thinking in the field of Palliative Care based on scientific evidence through seminars and papers on research.
Strengthen communication skills with patients and families in complex situations, manage the emotions involved in caring for these patients and families, and learn self-care techniques.

The methodologies to be used in the theoretical subjects include:
Creativity and visual thinking activities in the University of Navarra Museum to get to know themselves better and develop observation and contemplation skills. In addition, they will express through an artistic work the impact of caring for people in advanced and terminal stages.
Sessions colloquium with the support team of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the team of San Juan de Dios de Pamplona. Students will be able to meet the different members of the team and the contribution of each of the professionals to carry out the care of the patient and family. Active participation of the students will be encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity meeting.
Writing a reflective work about a text that is the result of a doctoral thesis where the lived experiences of patients with advanced disease are reflected.
Methodologies in the internshipwill be carried out clinical practices in support teams or prestigious Palliative Care units in Spain (Pamplona or Madrid) or abroad (London or Italy).
The following will be used expository-participative classes, seminars and personalized tutorials to carry out the work fin de Degree in the field of palliative care.
Clinical cases which will first be worked on in small groups and then discussed with the entire class.
Clinical scenarios where through standardized patients students will learn communication skills to help patients and families at status of emotional and/or spiritual suffering. They will also develop skills for self-management of emotions.
Seminars y theoretical and practical workshops during the 4 courses by guest lecturers who are experts in the area of patients with serious illness and their families.
Study program


Two interactive seminars with guest lecturers who are experts in palliative care area .


Care for the suffering due to serious illness (subject elective subject from the discipline). 3 ECTS credit.
Two interactive seminars with guest lecturers who are experts in palliative care area .


Internship in prestigious Palliative Care units in Spain or Europe (London or Italy). 15 ECTS credit (in 3rd or 4th year).
Two interactive seminars with guest lecturers who are experts in palliative care area .


- Palliative Care (required) 3 ECTS credit.
- The interpersonal relationship between nurse and patient with advanced disease: (elective subject) 3 ECTS credit.
- work End of Degree: (required) 6 ECTS credit.
Internship in prestigious Palliative Care units in Spain or Europe (London or Italy). 15 ECTS credit (in 3rd or 4th year).
project end of diploma:
Two interactive seminars with guest lecturers who are experts in palliative care area . Required. 1 ECTS credit.