Ruta de navegación


instructions and Awards

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Who can participate?


- Students who, during the academic year 2023/2024, are studying the second year of high school diploma in a center educational with headquarters in Spain and who in first year of high school diploma obtained a grade average equal or higher than 8.5 points.

- Participants should form teams of three or four members.

- The members of each team can be from the same or different schools.

- Several groups from the same centre can register educational.

- In each group there will be a member who will assume the role of captain and who will be in charge of managing the speech with the Clinical Case Competition organisation.

- Each team must have the approval of a teacher from the academic centre where they study.


What is it about?

The Clinical Case Competition is divided into three phases:

Aplicaciones anidadas


Phase One

After registration closes, the Clinical Case Competition organisers will provide instructions and equipment to all teams.

Each group will have to submit the work provided in the instructions and present it during an interview to be held with tutor, via online, before Saturday, December 16, 2023. This first phase is not evaluated, but its completion is essential to continue in the competition.


Second Phase

Once the first part has been presented, the organization will send the rest of the documentation to the groups. With the new indications, each team will have to make a video explaining in detail the clinical case and the diagnosis. The deadline to send the video is Thursday, January 25, 2024.

The videos will be evaluated by a panel composed of physicians from Clínica Universidad de Navarra. They will take into account: hypothesis statement, correct resolution of the case, presentation and communication and originality.


Phase Three

Among all the videos submitted, the panel will choose the ten teams that will go on to the final. The organization will then announce the finalist groups by e-mail and will confirm with each group that they can attend the final in person at attend . 

The final is scheduled to be held on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at the Alumni Building at Campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid. During the final workshop , the selected teams will have to perform the complete presentation case in person before a medical board and the other finalist teams. All participating teams are invited to attend the final. 

From this final, there will be a first, second and third classified, plus a specialaccredited specialization to a team for its presentation and communication of the case.


CALENDAR 2023/2024

Aplicaciones anidadas


Relevant dates



Until Thursday, November 9, 2022.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis registration.

Phase I

Until Saturday, December 16, 2023.

After registration closes, the Clinical Case Competition organisers will assign a tutor to each group, provide instructions and relevant material to the participants.

Before the end of deadline, each team should contact agreement with their tutor for the online interview in which they will present the work indicated by the organization for this first part. This first part is not evaluable; the teams will only receive feedback on the work done so far and future recommendations. 

Phase II 

Until Thursday, January 25, 2024.

Once the first part of the Clinical Case has been presented, the organization will send the rest of the documentation to the groups. With the new instructions, each team will have to make a video explaining in detail the clinical case and its diagnosis; in addition, they will have to propose ideas to prevent the diseases treated in the cases.

When the time comes, the teams will be told how to send the video file to the organization.

Phase III - Final

Saturday, March 2, 2024.

The selected teams will have to present their clinical case before a medical board and members of the School of Medicine in the Alumni Building of the Campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



All registered students who submit the second part of the clinical case will receive, at the end of the competition, a diploma accrediting their participation in the X edition of the Clinical Case Competition.

In addition, all members of the three winning teams will be able to choose one of the following prizes:


  • Littmann Classic III Stethoscope

  • Smartphone

If they wish, the students of the first placed team can choose one of the prizes of the second or third placed team.

  • eBook

  • Sports camera

  • Wireless headphones

If they wish, the pupils of the second-placed team can choose one of the prizes of the third-placed team.

  • Atlas of Anatomy (Frank H. Netter)

  • Activity bracelet

  • Intelligent speaker

  • Atlas of Anatomy (Frank H. Netter)

  • Activity bracelet

  • Intelligent speaker

