Currículum is a compilation of the works of reference letter of 32 Latin American architects who are among the most relevant in their respective countries and whose common link lies in their passage through the classrooms of Master's Degree en Teoría y design Arquitectónico (MTDA, formerly MDA).
This programme - which celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2020 with the graduation of the 20th graduating class - has turned Pamplona and its surrounding area into "places of learning". School of Architecture Pamplona and its surroundings "into places of meeting and learning for more than two hundred young architects of twenty different nationalities; who, for various reasons, left behind universities, studios, families and homes to embark on an exciting journey whose destination has been intellectual growth and professional excellence", explains in his presentation the director of postgraduate program, Professor Dr. Architect Luis Suárez Mansilla.
For the Full Professor of Architectural Projects Miguel Ángel Alonso del Val, Curriculum "should serve as a sample of sincere gratitude to all of them. And also as sample that the quality of a program and of a School is the quality of its alumni, of the people who have been transformed by an institution that cares for them as unique beings who, endowed with shared feelings, are capable of spreading throughout America, with their work and their teaching, the values of an architecture rooted in their culture".
Bisman Editions
BISMAN EDICIONES is an office dedicated, since 1997, to the integral edition and development of diverse formats for the communication of architectures, based in the San Telmo neighbourhood of Buenos Aires. It has edited specialised publications for the most important states, public bodies, institutions, companies, professional collectives and architects in Argentina and curated thematic exhibitions at the main cultural events in its country and in the cities of Venice, Tokyo, London, Montevideo, Sao Paulo and Havana.
administrative assistant Under the direction of Hernán Bisman, the assistant direction of Pablo Engelman, the art direction of Juan Pablo Sarrabayrouse and the editorial direction of position of Teo Rodríguez, the Bisman Ediciones team has been regularly producing publications and exhibitions on architecture and urbanism in South America and Europe for more than 20 years, many of which have won national and international awards and distinctions, including the "award Best Edited Book", awarded by the Argentine Chamber of Publications (2008); the "award of the Central Society of Architects of Argentina and of the committee Professional of Architecture and Urbanism of Buenos Aires" both in the category "essay edited" and in "edited research" on 10 occasions (2018-2016-2014-2012-2010-2006); the French award Design and Design (2014) and the award "Windows to the future" for his contribution to the media dissemination of Argentinean architecture awarded by the CAyC (2012), among other awards.

Fredy Massad
Fredy Massad (1966) architect by the FADU of the University of Buenos Aires since 1994, is an architecture critic for the Spanish newspaper ABC and partner with different international media. Since March 2013 he has position "La viga en el ojo", a blog in the digital edition of ABC. Massad is also director of publishing house QUT Ediciones.
Adjunct Professor School of Architecture- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya; Adjunct Professor CESUGA-Universidad San Jorge (A Coruña); Professor at LABASAD (Barcelona); visiting professor ad honorem de la FADU. University of Buenos Aires; visiting professor of the Vilniaus Dailès Akademija (Lithuania).
His most recent books are La Viga en el Ojo. Escritos a tiempo (Ediciones Asimétricas, Madrid, 2015) and Crítica de choque (Bisman Ediciones, Buenos Aires, 2017), which received the first prize award in the category "essay" of the XVII award SCA CPAU de Arquitectura Argentina. He is currently preparing El factor sentimental. Populismo y arquitectura, to be published in 2020.
His projects include the creation and moderation of the series of talks Cruces críticos. Architecture and other points of view, held in 2016 in Barcelona. He currently co-directs the FOROS School of Architecture-UIC lecture series.
Ediciones Universidad de Navarra S.A. has been in the sector for more than 50 years. The publishing house continues with its initial mission: to seek out and transmit the knowledge, contributing to the academic, cultural and personal training of readers; promoting the work of cultural extension and social promotion, with a clear purpose of service.