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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Study program contemplates two styles of subjects:


Specific 75-minute sessions (at position by a guest speaker on topic).


Continuous 75-minute sessions over several days (at position of a professor on broader topics).



Aplicaciones anidadas


The program includes some visits to relevant legal institutions located in Navarra.


  • History of Criminal Law Institutions (12 hs.)

  • Principles of Criminal Policy (12 hs.)

  • Current debates on the system in the theory of crime: wrongdoing and culpability; attempt and result; authorship and participation (12 hs.)

  • Culpability and unenforceability (6 hs.)

  • Theory of the Special Part of Criminal Law (8 hs.)

  • Theory of interpretation and argumentation at Criminal Law (6 hs.)

  • Anglo Criminal Law (16 hs.)

  • Current Challenges of Criminal Law (12 hs.)

  • Criminal Law from business (10 hs.)

  • Criminal Law International (8 hs.)

Aplicaciones anidadas


Those students who, after this course of update, wish to continue their legal training may rejoin in September of that or any other year, to Master's Degree in Human Rights. In this case, the contents taken in this Program will be recognized as subjects of the elective module (as 6 ECTS credit) of said Master's Degree. Obtaining this degree scroll of Master's Degree (official) allows to start the doctorate.


Faculty & Advisory Board


Dr. Jesús-María Silva Sánchez

Dr. Pablo Sánchez-Ostiz

Mario Pereira Garmendia

The sessions are taught by criminal academics from various European and Latin American countries. All of them have a proven track record in research.

Throughout the various sessions we had the presence, among others, of the following teachers:

  • Enrique Rodolfo Buteler (National University of Córdoba; and Rapporteur of the conference room Penal of the Superior Court of Justice of Córdoba, Argentina);

  • Luigi Cornacchia (Università degli Studi di Bergamo);

  • Percy García Cavero (University of Piura; and Lawyer);

  • Gonzalo García Palominos (Universidad de Los Andes, Chile);

  • Carlos González Guerra (Austral University; and Director National Criminal Policy at subject of Justice and Criminal Legislation, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Argentina);

  • Rodrigo Guerra Espinosa (Universidad de Los Andes, Chile);

  • Elena Íñigo (University of Navarra);

  • Nuria Pastor Muñoz (Pompeu Fabra University);

  • Mario Pereira Garmendia (University of Navarra);

  • Carlos Pérez del Valle (Abat Oliba University);

  • Juan Ignacio Piña Rocherfort (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile);

  • Ramon Ragués i Vallès (Pompeu Fabra University);

  • Eduardo J. Riggi (Universidad Austral; and Fiscal, Argentina);

  • Ricardo Robles (Pompeu Fabra University);

  • Pablo Sánchez-Ostiz (University of Navarra);

  • Jesús-María Silva Sánchez (Pompeu Fabra University);

  • Tatiana Vargas Pinto (Universidad de Los Andes, Chile);

  • Guillermo Yacobucci (Austral University; and Criminal Judge, Argentina);

  • Pilar Zambrano (University of Navarra).