Ruta de navegación



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Course start

Monday, September 4, 2023

End of Course

Sunday, May 18, 2024

The methodology is the closest to face-to-face that can be achieved in the framework of an online course. Throughout the course the teachers will have a total of 28 live Zoom sessions with the students (synchronous online classes).


The program is structured in 12 units or modules. Each of them lasts between two or three weeks. Each module consists of:

  • class pre-recorded lecture (approximately 1 hour in duration) to introduce the keys to each module, and to position of the professor in charge of this one.

  • PDFs, with a selection of texts by Leonardo Polo himself on the contents of each module. In addition, PDFs with explanatory texts by the professor in charge, for reading and individual study.

  • Written questions from students through a forum, which are answered by the teacher in live classes.

  • Synchronous classes (live Zoom), of approximately one hour and average each, in which the teacher will dialogue with the students clarifying questions of each module and / or text commentary. The classes will be recorded for later viewing by those who cannot attend.

  • Multiple-choice test on the notions of module (40% of the grade). They will be available for 48 hours for students to choose the best time to take them.

In addition, throughout the course:

  • In between, there will be other synchronous classes (live on Zoom) where global aspects of the Course and its subject will be discussed. They will be at position by the directors of the Course and Juan A. García.

  • As a final Exercise, and part of the assessment, each student will have to elaborate a brief article on one of the aspects of the Course (60% of the grade).
