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Because you can specialize and get much more out of Degree at Education Children's by taking a double degree Degree, obtaining an international diploma and other options that we explain below!

Aplicaciones anidadas


    A clear goal    

To train experts in Education capable of researching, exploring, designing, planning and innovating in different educational contexts and processes.


  Other opportunities  

→ Combines the training professor with a pedagogical deepening. It is possible to take the double Degree in Pedagogy + Education Primary (5 years).

Expand the Degree of Education Primary with the diploma of Education International IB (4 years, 261 ECTS credit with certificate of teaching- IB PEP Learning ) which allows you to work in IB centers around the world.

Deepen through a qualifying accredited specialization : the Degree of Education primary is compatible with the accredited specialization in Education physical or Attention to diversity. There is also the possibility of taking the Diploma DECA that qualifies for the teaching in religion.


Learning, Service and internationalization

We value the experiences of our students throughout the degree program and the skills they acquire. From School we seek to develop:


→ Open-mindedness

→ Solidarity

→ Inquiry/ curiosity

→ Education of the character

→ Inclusion

→ Creativity

→ Spirit of Service

→ Critical thinking

Aplicaciones anidadas

Infórmate sobre "Técnicas de estudio", una iniciativa nuestros alumnos...

"Study Techniques", an initiative our students...

video tecnicas de estudio

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