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Plan de estudios-ok

The Study program includes 18 credits from the subjects of Anthropology, Ethics and Cultural Keys, which comprise the Core Curriculum of the University of Navarra.

asiganturas_desplegableAsignaturas del Grado en Educación Infantil

Degree Program in Early Childhood

Attention to Diversity (Mention)





Hospital Pedagogy

3 sem II

Curricular adaptation strategies

3 sem II

Psycho-pedagogical intervention in disorders of the development

6 sem II

Language disorders

3 sem I

Intercultural education

3 sem II

Education for coexistence

3 sem II

Good practice in Special Education

3 sem II


asiganturas_desplegableAsignaturas del Grado en Educación Infantilib_elbueno

Attention to Diversity (Mention)





Hospital Pedagogy

3 sem II

Curricular adaptation strategies

3 sem II

Psycho-pedagogical intervention in disorders of the development

6 sem II

Language disorders

3 sem I

Intercultural education

3 sem II

Education for coexistence

3 sem II

Good practice in Special Education

3 sem II


Asignaturas-Doble grado en Pedagogía y Magisterio de Educación Infantil

Módulos del plan de estudios

    Modules of the Study program    

Each subject is integrated into a subject which in turn is part of a module. 


subject 1. Educational processes, learning and personality development :

  • Psychology of development
  • General Psychology
  • Education theory

subject 2. Learning difficulties and disorders from development:

  • Special education
  • Learning difficulties and psycho-pedagogical intervention

subject 3. Society, family and school 

  • Family, Society and Education
  • Educational guidance
  • Sociology of education

subject 4. Children, health and nutrition 

  • Neuropsychology of development
  • Health education

subject 5. Organisation of the school space, Materials and teaching skills 

  • General Didactics
  • Organisation and management of educational establishments
  • Educational technology

subject 6. The early childhood education school

  • Contemporary educational currents and systems
  • Education policy and legislation
  • Early education programmes

subject 7. Human training and professional values 

  • Anthropology
  • Ethics

subject 8. Systematic observation and context analysis 

  • Research fundamentals
  • Enhancement of academic staff and educational innovation

subject 1. Learning the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Mathematics 

  • Learning mathematics and its didactics
  • Education and Ideologies in Postmodern Societies
  • Learning the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and their didactics 
  • Introduction to Contemporary Art

subject 2. Language Learning and Literacy 

  • Oral and written expression techniques
  • Language skills at language foreign
  • Language learning and attention to diversity
  • Acquisition and development of reading and writing and its didactics.
  • Children's literature. Tradition and folklore

subject 3. Music, plastic and corporal expression 

  • Music education
  • Plastic and audiovisual education I
  • Plastic and audiovisual education II
  • Psychomotor education

subject 1. Optional

  • Strategies for curricular adaptation
  • Education for coexistence
  • Intercultural education
  • Hospital pedagogy
  • Instructional psychology

subject 2. Mention in Attention to Diversity 

  • Intercultural education
  • Education for coexistence
  • Hospital pedagogy
  • Personality psychology
  • Curricular adaptation strategies
  • Diagnosis in education
  • Psycho-pedagogical intervention in disorders development
  • Personal guidance

subject 3. DECA, diploma for the teaching of catholic religion 

  • Christian Message I
  • Christian Message II
  • Pedagogy of religion
  • Religion, culture and values I
  • Religion, culture and values II
  • Specific didactics of school religious education
  • Education and Ideology in Postmodern Societies
  • Introduction to Christianity

subject 1. School practices

  • Practicum II
  • Practicum III

subject 2. Final Project Degree 

  • Final Project Degree




We combine complementary methodologies and learning strategies to achieve the best results through:

  • Theoretical face-to-face sessions.

  • Practical face-to-face classes: case studies, seminars, role-play.

  • Special sessions with invited professionals.

  • Non-face-to-face work (programming, diagnostic reports, etc.) either individually or in small groups.

  • Practicum: tutored internships.

  • Completion by the student of a project or final project Degree.

  • Each student will have a advisor at the University (in addition to the practicum tutor ) that will accompany them throughout the Degree to guide their learning and focus their future professional insertion.

Aplicaciones anidadas



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