Discover the subjects you will study
The Study program includes 18 credits from the subjects of Anthropology, Ethics and Cultural Keys, which comprise the Core Curriculum of the University of Navarra.
Degree in Early Childhood Teaching
Annual |
1º semester |
2º semester |
Contemporary educational currents and systems A (F. Edu y Psic) |
Contemporary educational currents and systems B (F. Edu y Psic) |
Attention to Diversity (Mention) |
subject |
Period |
Course |
3 | sem II | 2º | |
3 | sem II | 2º | |
Psycho-pedagogical intervention in disorders of the development |
6 | sem II | 3º |
3 | sem I | 4º | |
3 | sem II | 4º | |
3 | sem II | 4º | |
3 | sem II | 4º |
Annual |
1º semester |
Introduction to PEP (3 ECTS credit) |
2º semester |
Contemporary educational currents and systems A (F. Edu y Psic) |
Contemporary educational currents and systems B (F. Edu y Psic) |
Attention to Diversity (Mention) |
subject |
Period |
Course |
3 | sem II | 2º | |
3 | sem II | 2º | |
Psycho-pedagogical intervention in disorders of the development |
6 | sem II | 3º |
3 | sem I | 4º | |
3 | sem II | 4º | |
3 | sem II | 4º | |
3 | sem II | 4º |
1º semester |
2º semester |
Contemporary educational currents and systems A (F. Edu y Psic) |
Contemporary educational currents and systems B (F. Edu y Psic) |
1º semester |
Learning mathematics and its didactics (F. Edu and Psic-Inf) |
design, development and innovation of the curriculum (F.Edu and Psic) |
2º semester |
Modules of the Study program
Each subject is integrated into a subject which in turn is part of a module.
subject 1. Educational processes, learning and personality development :
- Psychology of development
- General Psychology
- Education theory
subject 2. Learning difficulties and disorders from development:
- Special education
- Learning difficulties and psycho-pedagogical intervention
subject 3. Society, family and school
- Family, Society and Education
- Educational guidance
- Sociology of education
subject 4. Children, health and nutrition
- Neuropsychology of development
- Health education
subject 5. Organisation of the school space, Materials and teaching skills
- General Didactics
- Organisation and management of educational establishments
- Educational technology
subject 6. The early childhood education school
- Contemporary educational currents and systems
- Education policy and legislation
- Early education programmes
subject 7. Human training and professional values
- Anthropology
- Ethics
subject 8. Systematic observation and context analysis
- Research fundamentals
- faculty development and innovation in education
subject 1. Learning the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Mathematics
- Learning mathematics and its didactics
- Education and Ideologies in Postmodern Societies
- Learning the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and their didactics
- Introduction to Contemporary Art
subject 2. Language Learning and Literacy
- Oral and written expression techniques
- Language skills at language foreign
- Language learning and attention to diversity
- Acquisition and development of reading and writing and its didactics.
- Children's literature. Tradition and folklore
subject 3. Music, plastic and corporal expression
- Music education
- Plastic and audiovisual education I
- Plastic and audiovisual education II
- Psychomotor education
subject 1. Optional
- Strategies for curricular adaptation
- Education for coexistence
- Intercultural education
- Hospital pedagogy
- Instructional psychology
subject 2. Mention in Attention to Diversity
- Intercultural education
- Education for coexistence
- Hospital pedagogy
- Personality psychology
- Curricular adaptation strategies
- Diagnosis in education
- Psycho-pedagogical intervention in disorders development
- Personal guidance
subject 3. DECA, diploma for the teaching of catholic religion
- Christian Message I
- Christian Message II
- Pedagogy of religion
- Religion, culture and values I
- Religion, culture and values II
- Specific didactics of school religious education
- Education and Ideology in Postmodern Societies
- Introduction to Christianity
subject 1. School practices
- Practicum II
- Practicum III
subject 2. Final Project Degree
- Final Project Degree
We combine complementary methodologies and learning strategies to achieve the best results through:
Theoretical face-to-face sessions.
Practical face-to-face classes: case studies, seminars, role-play.
Special sessions with invited professionals.
Non-face-to-face work (programming, diagnostic reports, etc.) either individually or in small groups.
Practicum: tutored internships.
Completion by the student of a project or final project Degree.
Each student will have a advisor at the University (in addition to the practicum tutor ) that will accompany them throughout the Degree to guide their learning and focus their future professional insertion.
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment