Excerpt from the document outlining the criminal compliance system [PDF 491KB].
General Compliance Policy [PDF 248KB] [PDF 248KB].
rules and regulations about University Ombudsman [PDF 173KB] [PDF 173KB].
bullying prevention and actionprotocol for students [PDF 193KB] [PDF 193KB].
System of rules on coexistence at the University of Navarra [PDF 161KB] [PDF 161KB].
VET subjects that can be validated at Degree [PDF 417KB] [PDF 417KB].
Communication from Office of the Executive Council regarding criteria for student surveys [PDF 95KB].
Guidelines on university external academic internships [PDF 99KB] [PDF 99KB].
Teaching partner guidelines [PDF 93KB] [PDF 93KB].
Credit recognition and transfer rules at Degrees [PDF 104KB] [PDF 104KB].
Credit recognition and transfer rules at Master's Degree [PDF 88KB] [PDF 88KB].
rules and regulations on staff support for teaching [PDF 122KB] [PDF 122KB].
rules and regulations about own teachings and certification exams [PDF 367KB] [PDF 367KB].
University Bylaws [PDF 203 KB].
Student Representation Statute [PDF 158KB]
guide internship for the development the student representative elections [PDF 252KB].
General rules for the awarding of extraordinary Degree prizes [PDF 74KB] [PDF 74KB].
student internrules and regulations [PDF 107KB].
Rules and regulations general about assessment[PDF 142KB]
Rules and regulations on non-ordinary pupils [PDF 86KB]
rules and regulations on student staff counseling [PDF 101KB].
Rules and regulations on course coordination[PDF 108KB].
rules and regulations about enrollment provisional in the masters [PDF 99KB].
rules and regulations for Master's Degree students [PDF 81KB] [PDF 81KB].
rules and regulations about permanence in the official Degree programs of study the University [PDF 135KB] [PDF 135KB].
General Terms and Conditions of Engagement for Academic Services [PDF 2.89MB] [PDF 2.89MB].
statement of core values of the University [PDF 60 KB].
University and life [PDF 38 KB] [PDF 38 KB
University and pluralism [PDF 263 KB] [PDF 263 KB].
doctorate School Code of Best Practices [PDF 170 KB] [PDF 170 KB].
Communication from Office of the Executive Council regarding criteria for student surveys [PDF 95 KB].
agreement between the University of Navarra and the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation for the assessment of the research activity of tenured professors.
Criteria for staff teaching collaborations researcher [PDF 98 KB] [PDF 98 KB].
rules and regulations for the recognition of mentoring and management of thesis [PDF 89 KB] [PDF 89 KB].
rules and regulations for the permanence in the programs of doctorate of the University [PDF 88 KB] [PDF 88 KB].
rules and regulations on the governance of research centres [PDF 74 KB].
rules and regulations on research groups [PDF 126 KB].
rules and regulations about research Cancer Center's groups Clínica Universidad de Navarra [PDF 553 KB]
rules and regulations on the organization of programs of study from doctorate [PDF 139 KB].
Guidelines for the standardisation of institutional affiliation in scientific publications [PDF 205 KB].
Policy on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights at the University of Navarra [PDF 334 KB] [PDF 334 KB].
development professional program of researcher [PDF 289 KB].
Internal Regulations of the doctorate School [PDF 205 KB] [PDF 205 KB].
Communication from Office of the Executive Council on delegated competences in centers and services [PDF 140 KB].
Criticism on the establishment of Chairs [PDF 92 KB].
The professional manager at the University of Navarra [PDF 160 KB] [PDF 160 KB].
rules and regulations for the functioning of the departmental boards [PDF 170 KB].
rules and regulations of the Interfaculty Board of Science, Nursing, Pharmacy and Medicine [PDF 256 KB].
rules and regulations of the boards of the academic centres [PDF 242 KB].
rules and regulations of the Documentation Center and programs of study Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (CEDEJ) [PDF 90 KB] [PDF 90 KB].
rules and regulations of the Institute Core Curriculum (ICC) [PDF 179 KB].
rules and regulations from Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) [PDF 148 KB].
rules and regulations of the Institute of language and Spanish Culture (ILCE) [PDF 77 KB].
rules and regulations of the ISEM Fashion Business School [PDF 147 KB].
rules and regulations of the Museum of the University of Navarra [PDF 182 KB].
rules and regulations from board of trustees of the University of Navarra Museum [PDF 98 KB].
Praxis on the management of extraordinary resources for the academic centres of campus of Pamplona [PDF 123 KB] [PDF 123 KB].
Equality Plan. University of Navarra [PDF 11MB] [PDF 11MB
facultyrules and regulations [PDF 213 KB] [PDF 213 KB].
rules and regulations on Teaching Assistants [PDF 91 KB] [PDF 91 KB].
rules and regulations on teachers of the institute of modern languages [PDF 119 KB] [PDF 119 KB].
rules and regulations on Emeritus Professors [PDF 79 KB] [PDF 79 KB].
guest lecturerrules and regulations [PDF 100 KB].
ALUMNI-University of Navarra: mission statement, goals and organization [PDF 122KB].
Conditions of use of car parks [PDF 38.3KB] [PDF 38.3KB].
Criteria for the award of the Silver Medal [PDF 73KB].
Criteria for inaugural lectures [PDF 69KB] [PDF 69KB].
rules and regulations from file General [PDF 143KB].
rules and regulations for the registration of workshop [PDF 121KB].
Guidelines in case of death of University faculty, staff or students [PDF 76KB] [PDF 76KB].
procedure for event management [PDF 130KB].
Child protection
APPENDIX I: Activities involving contact regular activities with minors at the University [PDF 131KB] [PDF 131KB].
ANNEX III: Template for data collection [Exel 17KB].
ANNEX IV: Commitment of adults in activities with minors [PDF 143KB].
ANNEX V: Parental/Guardian Authorisation [PDF 94KB].
ANNEX VI: procedure for the application of certificate for non-sex offences [PDF 102KB].
ANNEX VII: Joint processing instructions for the application of certificate for non-sex offences [PDF 91KB].
ANNEX VIII: Authorisation as representative [PDF 76KB].
ANNEX IX: Multi-petition template enquiry of non-existence of sexual offences by parentage data [Excel 248KB].
APPENDIX X: Instructions for filling out the template [Excel 12KB].
ANNEX XI: Application Document [PDF 61KB].
ANNEX XII Practices involving contact habitual with minors [PDF 93KB].