Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
Bridge between science and society
The researchers' party:
Connecting Science and Society
Event aimed at the entire society
Contest for students and researchers of the University of Navarra: Participate with your monologue or poster. poster! and win a dinner for two at the University of Navarra Museum Restaurant.
You have until Wednesday, March 26 to register!
Committed to fostering a scientific culture with our research

Welcome to the Unit of Scientific Culture and Innovation of the University of Navarra
Our mission statement is promote scientific communication and knowledge dissemination , give visibility to the research done at the University of Navarra, and offer specialized training for researchers and educators. Through various initiatives, we seek to connect science and innovation with society.
We are committed to promote the scientific, technological and innovation culture both inside and outside the academic institution. As intermediaries between the university and society, our goal is to promote social interest in the scientific knowledge and the results of research and development+i generated by our researchers, through all Schools and research centers of the University: from the biomedical, environmental, cultural, social and humanistic fields, we promote the transmission of scientific knowledge .
The UCC+I of the University of Navarra trains researchers from Zaragoza in science communication with AI
The practical workshop, given by Ignacio López-Goñi and Bienvenido León, highlights the role of artificial intelligence as a tool the quality of the
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"Talking about cancer saves lives."
The UCC+I of the University organizes an informative meeting for young people with neuro-oncologists Juan Fueyo and Candela Gómez-M
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La noche de las investigadoras' brings science closer to society, with a focus on oncology and the role of women
This workshop, organized on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, was attended by experts from the field of
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research communication
We give visibility to the research activity carried out at the University of Navarra, highlighting relevant discoveries, technological advances and significant contributions to the scientific knowledge and its social transfer.
scientific knowledge dissemination
We disseminate scientific knowledge in an accessible and understandable way to the general public. The goal is promote a scientific culture through activities of knowledge dissemination, Education and awareness.
training in communication, knowledge dissemination and transfer of knowledge
We promote counseling initiatives and training of staff researcher of the University in skills and tools for the dissemination and communication of science, in all fields of knowledge.
Training material for researchers
research in science communication
The UCC+i promotes the research in science communication through a group of research multidisciplinary focused on analyzing how science is communicated to society in general. This team is composed of researchers from different areas and collaborate with researchers from other universities in Spain and abroad.
The UCC+i of the University of Navarra was created in 2019 and is registered as such with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and is part of the network UUC+i. In addition, it is also part of the network Divulga, group of work focused on knowledge dissemination and Scientific Culture within CRUE Spanish Universities.
The UCC+i of the University of Navarra works in coordination with the vice-rectorships of Communication and development and research and Sustainability. In addition, some of its activities are carried out in coordination with the Science Museum of the University of Navarra.
Ignacio López-Goñi
Director of the UCC+i and of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra.
Bienvenido León
research in science communication and processes of social diffusion of science.
Miriam Salcedo
Scientific communication (Communication Service)
Marta Revuelta
Activities of knowledge dissemination and scientific culture (Science Museum)