European funding initiative designed to promote the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support researcher-initiated research in all scientific fields. The committee European research grants enable researchers of any nationality and age to carry out innovative projects that break new ground in their respective fields of research or beyond.
The subsidies offered follow 5 different schemes:
ERC Starting Grant
2-7 years post-doc experience. 1.5 M€ in 5 years. Minimum dedication 50%.
ERC Consolidator Grant
7-12 years post-doc experience. 2 M€ in 5 years. Minimum dedication 40%.
ERC Advanced Grant
Last 10 years of degree program excellent. 2.5 M€ in 5 years.
Would you like to apply for an ERC with us?
Get in touch at contact with:
The International Project Office (OPI) of the University of Navarra offers support and advice for the preparation of your proposal Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship in order to increase your chances of obtaining a project postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Navarra.
To ensure the review of the proposal by the International Project Office, the dates of submission of the following calendar must be respected.
Those interested in apply for the Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with the University of Navarra should send to the form application form. It must be signed by the supervisor and researcher.
application of expressions of interest to be a supervisor of MSCA PF 2024 candidates.
Researchers who would like to express their interest in publishing lines of research in the next call for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 can do so by submitting a application.
Those interested in seeking a candidate MSCA and applying as a supervisor, should send the completed Expression of Interest (EOI) template to Learn about the EOIs presented by the University of Navarra in the MSCA 2024 call for applications.
If you have already decided your candidate and do not want to opt for more, you can send us directly the Letter of Commitment duly signed by both of you.
International Project Office
Phone: +34 948 17 67 48
Types of MSCA financing:
MSCA Doctoral Networks
Support for the training joint research and / or programs from doctorate. +
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
Support for experienced researchers to carry out mobility between countries to support the activity of researchers inside and outside Europe. +
MSCA Staff Exchanges
Support for the mobility in the short term of the staff of research and innovation at all levels, including also the staff administrative and technical. +
Would you like to apply for an MSCA with us?
Get in touch at contact with:
Juan de la Cierva
State Plan for research
Call managed by the State Agency of research.
Two-year contract for researchers with the degree scroll of doctorate between one and two years of seniority.
The incorporation must be in a center different from the center of your doctoral thesis .
Andía Scholarships
Call managed by the Government of Navarra.
Researchers who are outside Navarra, with an outstanding career and a degree scroll of doctorate with seniority between 2 and 10 years.
Minimum stay of 24 months in a different center from the one at thesis .
Ramón y Cajal
State Plan for research
Call managed by the State Agency of research.
Researchers with outstanding careers who have not yet obtained their first project from the National Plan.
degree scroll doctor's degree with seniority between 2 and 10 years.
accreditation R3
Call managed by the State Agency of research.
It represents the leap to the category of researcher consolidated.
It requires research independence and leadership capacity.
Research Consolidation
State Plan for research
Call managed by the State Agency of research.
The accreditation R3 is required.
A permanent place should not be available.
ATRAE Program
State Plan for research
Call managed by the State Agency of research.
Incorporation of consolidated researchers at R4 level, with trajectory and international prestige.
Professional association with a foreign organization of research for at least 5 years during the last 7 years.

Researcher Career path in Spain at a glance! (7th edition)
This guide gathers all the calls for attracting talent available in Spain in each of the phases of the degree program researcher.
guide of calls for Talent Attraction (update 01/02/24)
This guide has been developed by the managers of the University of Navarra's management Service at research to help researchers identify the most appropriate calls at any given time.
Contact with us
If you want to do research at the University of Navarra and would like us to help you at apply for any scholarship, please contact us.