assessment of six years of research

Documents and links of interest
- Guide to obtaining the signature Digital
- Call for Proposals (2024) [PDF in Spanish].
- Practical issues (2024) [PDF in Spanish].
- evaluation criteria (2024) [PDF in Spanish].
- rules and regulations for determining tranches [PDF in English].
- Access to the application form for the six-yearly application for the six-year period
- Library Services assessment and to the accreditation
development Professional Program of the staff researcher

Call for application: will be held in March of each year academic year.
- PDPI (rules and regulations) [PDF in English].
- Steps to follow in the evaluation process [PDF in English].
- Application form [DOC in English].
- report del director [DOC in English].
- report de la School [DOC in English].
- CV information required for the evaluation [DOC in English].
- model report Evaluation of research activity PDPI [DOC in Spanish].