These calls are managed by Research Management Service through its fundraising offices and management for research from public and private organizations at national, regional, local, European and international levels.
Strategic Projects of Navarra
It is an annual call at partnership between companies and organizations of research that prioritizes projects of different challenges associated with the S4 strategy. +
research and development projects
At the modality Transfer knowledge. +
useful links:
SINAI Agents
SIESS Navarra
Navarra S4 Strategy
Projects for the Generation of knowledge
State Plan for research
Call of the State Plan of research managed by the State Agency of research.
Addressed to universities and organizations of research working individually or in partnership among them.
There are two types of projects: research oriented to the challenges of society and research not oriented to the rest. Projects can be submitted individually or in coordination.
research and development+I projects in health
State Plan for research
Call of the State Plan of research managed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
The call promotes synergies between research centers and NHS healthcare centers. In addition, it seeks to finance quality and stable research lines and to avoid fragmentation of the research groups.
Projects may be presented as individual, coordinated and multi-center projects.
partnership Public-Private Projects
With Companies
Call managed by the State Agency of research.
It finances experimental development projects carried out at partnership between research organizations and companies.
If you are a business and want us to collaborate in the framework of these calls or others, you can contact us:
Foundations Calls for Proposals
There are many foundations that contribute to the funding of research from the earliest stages to development of prototypes.
There are more generalist foundations that fund the research of any field of knowledge and other foundations concentrate on a specific field.
There are many foundations that have helped fund projects of researchers at the University of Navarra through competitive calls such as the ones you can find here.

Join our mailing list for national and regional calls for proposals
We will need to know in which center and department you work and in which subject of calls you are interested.
When a new call is published, you will receive an alert with a summary of the requirements and the characteristics of the financial aid.
Each dissemination includes direct access to the call documentation, internal deadlines and all notices.
Access to the history of national and regional calls for proposals
You can find all the national and regional calls for proposals sorted by year of publication.
The folders are sorted by funder and with the name of the call for proposals.
Each folder contains all the necessary documentation for the application.
The search engine allows you to locate words core topic: if you find an old call that has not been published in recent years, ask us. They might have changed the conditions.
Certificates of participation in projects:
If you are going to be accredited or need to submit merits, you may need a certificate of projects.
If you have participated in a project or have obtained a scholarship staff managed by SGI and need a certificate you can request it here.
Send us an email to and we will add you to our mailing list so that you will receive all the information related to international calls for proposals and projects in our weekly bulletin .
Horizon Europe
enquiry the quickguide Horizon Europe to find out which subject projects are funded and what subject funding is available, what are the advantages of participating, when and on what topics to make the proposal and much more.
It is the framework program of research and innovation (R+I) of the European Union (EU) for the period 2021 -2027.
The general goal is to achieve a scientific, technological, economic and social impact of EU investments in R&I.
enquiry the quickguide Horizon Europe to find out which subject projects are funded and what subject funding is available, what are the advantages of participating, when and on what topics to make the proposal and much more.
Its structure is based on three pillars:
Pilar I.
Excellent Science
The committee European research (ERC) will fund research projects designed and led by researchers in any field of knowledge.
Supports the professional development and the training of staff researcher through the activities of mobility international and intersectoral Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) program.
More information on open calls can be found on the European Commission's fundingPortal .
Pillar II.
Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness (Global Challenges)
It seeks to generate knowledge, intensify the impact of research and innovation (R&I) in the elaboration and implementation of European Union policies. It will finance research within societal challenges and strengthen industrial technological capabilities with objectives oriented towards major global challenges (health, climate change, renewable energies, mobility, security, digital, materials, etc.).
Pillar III.
Innovative Europe
goal aims to make Europe a pioneering powerhouse in market-creating innovation and growing innovative SMEs through the committee European Innovation Consortium (EIC). It will support world-class innovators, entrepreneurs, SMEs and scientists with ambitions to grow internationally. In addition, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will continue to foster the integration of research, Education and entrepreneurship through the knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC).

Five main areas have been agreed in the Horizon Europe Regulation: