Admission to Master's programmes. University of Navarra
We are looking for bright students, professionals from all corners of the world, with leadership skills and a desire to improve society.
What does our admission process consist of?
On October 1, the admission period for all Master's degrees at the University opens. As of that date, we evaluate applications as we receive them. As there is no deadline and since the number of places is limited, we advise you to apply for admission as soon as possible.
Admission criteria
Each master's degree evaluates the candidates based on specific criteria. We recommend that, before preparing your application for admission, you request information and speak with the person responsible for the admission of the master's degree. In this way, you will be able to better prepare your application and secure your place.
Admission process
To apply for admission, you first need to register with miUNAV. Once inside miUNAV, the future student can request admission and attach all the necessary documentation through the same form. The documentation to attach is the following:
Certificate of undergraduate studies (University Academic Records Transcript: roriginal or certified copy).
Curriculum Vitae.
Recommendation letter, Certificate / English title, cover letter, or reasoned report (depending on the program).
Passport-size photograph.
Photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport (for international students).
Payment of € 100 for processing costs (Non-refundable). This payment can be made in two ways:
Credit / debit card through the miUNAV portal.
By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal and it must include the full name of the applicant and the word "ADMISSION".
CaixaBank (Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona) SWIFT/BIC: CAIXESBBXXX IBAN: ES92 21009161472200152057 Account number: 2100 9161 47 2200152057
The masters at the University of Navarra have their own admission process. Therefore, we recommend that you consult the website of the program of interest to obtain and prepare all the necessary documentation to apply for admission.
For example, in the Faculty of Law it is necessary to take a test for admission. On the website of the School of Law, the scheduled dates of the tests are published each year, as well as the content of the same, they last approximately 3 hours.
All applicants for all master's programs must conduct a personal interview with one of the members of the Master's Board of Directors.
For any questions, we recommend that you contact the person in charge of Admission of the master or with any of the delegates of the Admission Service.
The resolution of the application for admission may be known through miUNAV.
1. Admitted students must pay within a month from the notification of the resolution the first payment of the enrollment in the master they are going to take.
The amount, depending on the program is: 500, 1.000 € or 3.000 € (this amount will only be refundable in the case of Spanish students who have not passed the Degree and in the case of international students who do not obtain the visa).
After this period, the portal will allow you to register only if the program has places available.
Forms of payment:
By bank transfer to the accounts indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal and it must include the full name of the applicant and the text "First registration payment".
card credit/debit card through miUNAV portal.
2. In order to enroll in an official master's degree program, it is necessary to have a bachelor's degree or proof of having applied for it. Enrollment is done through the miUNAV portal. It will not be possible to formalize it if you do not have the bachelor's degree or proof of having applied for it.
Enrollment Guide
From April 9 to June 30, 2025 (extraordinary period according to availability of places until September 30; in Tecnun, until July 17 and for those who have completed the Degree at Tecnun and are doing the Complementary Training in summer, until September 15) you can make the enrollment application through the Portal miUNAV and attach the necessary documentation.
In the event that the enrollment is to be financed, partially or completely, through a scholarship or financial aid, you must indicate this in the "Financial remarks" field and register this amount with the payment method "Bank transfer". The remaining amount can be paid by any of the payment methods offered.
All studentsmust upload the following documentation to portal miUNAV when they go to enrollment :
- if they have studied at the University of Navarra, proof of having applied for the issuance of degree scroll from Degree.
- if they have studied in another Spanish University, they must present the degree scroll of Degree or the certificate substitute of degree scroll (in which the issue assigned to the National Registry of Degrees is stated); if they still do not have them, they can present the document that accredits that they have requested the expedition of the degree scroll.
At the beginning of the course they must present the original or a certified copy of the academic certification of their programs of study and of their degree scroll. Those studying at Campus in Pamplona should go to Office of the Registrar; those at campus in Madrid to administrative office and those at Campus in San Sebastian to administrative office at TECNUN. They can do so in September or October, when their Master's Degree classes have already begun. - if they have studied at a university in another country , they must provide the degree scroll of Degree; at the beginning of the course they must present the original or a certified copy of the academic certification of their programs of study and of their degree scroll. Those studying at Campus in Pamplona must go to Office of the Registrar; those at campus in Madrid to administrative office and those at Campus in San Sebastian to administrative office at TECNUN. They can do so in September or October, when their Master's Degree classes have already begun.
If this document is not provided at application of enrollment it is considered to be provisional and is conditioned to be provided at the beginning of the course for which the student has registered(see rules and regulations).
Any doubts that may arise during the process of enrollment, can be consulted by telephone (+34) 948 42 56 14, at schedule from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 15.30 to 17 h. (except Saturdays), *From June 15 to August 31 the schedule attention is from 9.30 to 14 h. or by e-mail at the following accounts: postgraduate program@unav .es or
Students taking a Master's Degree that includes several academic years will make the application of enrollment only the first year and must then indicate how they will pay the full payment of the Master's Degree, even if the subjects are taught in two or three academic years.
Prices: you can check the prices of the master's degrees.
Discounts, financing and bonuses: you can consult the bonuses for which you are eligible.
Payment methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (for example, pay a part of the enrollment by direct debit and another part by card of credit or in installments with interest). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the enrollment. For enquiry payment methods.
You can make the deposit in any of these accounts of the University.
Continuity Insurance from programs of studyto guarantee the university programs of studyin case of death/absolute permanent disability of the insured parents. See here for details of the insurance policy(Allianz).