The University of Navarra is a Christian-inspired institution that carries out its activities as a non-profit organisation.
its activity professor, research and welfare without profit motive.
The University began its activities in 1952, promoted by St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei.
Opus Dei. This prelature of the Catholic Church has as its aim promote the search for the fullness of Christian life in work, family and ordinary occupations.
The mission and values of the University of Navarra are embodied in its statement of core values. Its legal nature, governance and economic regime are set out in its Statutes.
The University of Navarra is a university of Christian inspiration, promoted by Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei. Its mission is toseek and transmit the truth, to contribute to the academic, cultural and personal formation of its students; promote scientific research and welfare activity; to offer adequate possibilities of development to its professors and employees; and to carry out a broad work of cultural extension and social promotion, with a clearpurpose of service.
The primary functions of the University of Navarra are:
a) To provide university education in the field of various sciences, to confer the corresponding academic Degrees and to provide students with the appropriate means - didactic resources, Library Services, information on grants and financial aid - so that they can successfully complete their studies.
b) promote scientific research in the various fields of knowledge, for the benefit of the work professor and as a way of contributing knowledge to society and fostering innovation and development.
c) To contribute to the training of pupils through individual counselling, with proposals aimed at the acquisition of professional skills and personal habits, which stimulate the development of the personality in all its dimensions: cultural, artistic, religious, sporting and solidarity.
d) To maintain relations with the University's graduates, through continuing education activities and other cultural and social initiatives of Alumni.
e) To organise refresher and specialisation courses for university graduates, agreement with the trends and needs of the different professions.
f) To cultivate the links between the University and the members of the Association of Friends and to keep them informed of the fruits of their collaboration.
g) To carry out a task of cultural dissemination and university extension, through activities organised by the University itself and also through initiatives carried out in collaboration with other institutions.
h) Cooperate with other universities and university-related institutions, such as hospitals, business schools, research centres, art centres, educational organisations and development.
The University of Navarre began its activities in Pamplona in 1952, under the impulse of St. Josemaría Escrivá. Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguerfounder of Opus Dei. The aim of this prelature of the Catholic Church is to promote the search for the fullness of Christian life in work, family and ordinary occupations.. Since its foundation, the teachings of St. Josemaría have inspired and opened up horizons for the activities of the University. The Chancellor of the University of Navarra is the Prelate of Opus Dei.
The Christian inspiration of the University is manifested in the desire for fidelity to the Church and her Magisterium, in reflection on her teachings, in respect for Christian principles in research, in the promotion of the dignity and rights of the person, and in the sense of service which it seeks to imbue in university activities.
In the framework of religious freedom, the University of Navarra fosters love for the Church, unity with the Pope and the Bishops, a sense of communion with other Catholics, an ecumenical spirit with all Christians, and respect for believers of other religions and for those who profess no faith.
Christian identity provides an integrating approach for academic work, which encourages professors to push forward the progress of science with the light of faith and reason, which help each other in the task of expanding the frontiers of knowledge. Scientific activity carried out with openness and breadth of vision asks fundamental questions about the human being and the world.
Within the curricula, subjects, seminars and workshops provide students with the opportunity to consider these major questions of existence, as well as the ethical and deontological foundations of their profession.
The University offers theology classes in all degree courses, and organises a wide range of activities open to all members of the academic community who are interested in deepening their knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, as well as receiving spiritual care from chaplains in a context of religious freedom, at knowledge .
The activities of the University of Navarra aspire to make present the values that guide and characterise our daily values that guide and characterise the daily work of those who form the of those who make up the University and shape its environment and culture.
These features include the following:
Work. Work is a manifestation of the dignity of the person, a factor in development of the personality, a bond of union between human beings and a driving force for progress. This conception of work entails, among other consequences, the aspiration to excellence in the performance of tasks and attention to detail.
Freedom. The University is a place of coexistence, study and friendship, open to people from all walks of life, without discrimination as to religion, race, ideology, nationality, sex, etc. The University feels called to collaborate in the resolution of the problems that arise in society and, without leading directly to political action or to tasks that are proper to other institutions, it educates in the critical capacity that allows each person to freely form their own opinions and convictions, in a climate of pluralism. The love of freedom and responsibility is a basic principle of academic and professional life, of research work, of medical or care work. Those who carry out governmental tasks at the University perform them in accordance with the principles of collegiality and participation.
Respect. The university facilitates students' acquisition of knowledge and also development of attitudes, such as respect for others, the ability to listen, correct behaviour, civic spirit and care for nature. All these habits help prepare students for professional practice and foster a sense of social responsibility among members of the academic community. Respect for privacy is part of the commitment of those who work in the academic corporation.
multidisciplinarity. The mission of the university - to seek and transmit the truth - is a collective task, which requires dialogue between specialists from different scientific areas. With this approach, the diversity of the sciences constitutes a factor of mutual enrichment, provides an overview and financial aid to overcome the excessive fragmentation of knowledge.
Responsibility. The sense of responsibility in the work is one of the attitudes that must characterize the professionals of the University of Navarra, and that we try to transmit to the students as part of the project educational. It takes the form of a sober style in the employment resources and in the care of the facilities.
Service. In accordance with the wishes of its founder, the University of Navarra has, from the very beginning, had an explicit purpose of service, and aspires to contribute to the material and moral improvement of society. This characteristic invites it to be aware of and respond to social problems and needs in fields related to its activity professor and research: attendance medical and health, studies of current issues, university cooperation and many other social promotion initiatives. Solidarity is a fundamental part of the university spirit. The University encourages members of the academic community to participate in concrete initiatives of service to those most in need.
international outreach. Theeducational model of the University of Navarra promotes interest in other cultures and the enrichment of the international experience of students, professors, researchers, health care staff and other professionals.
For the development of its educational project , those who make up the University of Navarra -students, professors and other professionals- must freely assume the commitment to live the aims of the University as set out in this statement of core values, and participate in the educational work above all through the integrity of their conduct and their spirit of cooperation.
Because of the special role that corresponds to them, the professors and professionals who make up the University must distinguish themselves by their skill and uprightness of life, the fulfilment of their duties, loyal collaboration with their colleagues and with the academic authorities and, in general, by their availability to serve the people who form part of the university community.
The University of Navarra has 7 campus (Pamplona, San Sebastián, Madrid, Barcelona, New York, Munich and São Paulo) and a Clinic with two sites, in Pamplona and Madrid.
Schools and Schools
In addition to IESE and the Clinic, 8 research centres, 2 museums, 2 institutes, 2 affiliated entities and 5 collaborating entities.
9,532 from Degree; 2,988, from Master's Degree; and 1,057, from doctorate
International students
3,920 international students of 115 nationalities study at the University of Navarra.
Of these, 14 are doubles Degrees
Master's Programmes
In addition, the University of Navarra has 19 programs of doctorate
Academic staff
A total of 6,742 people make up the staff of the University of Navarra.
In more than 120 countries
Learning in a global environment is a great challenge to which the University of Navarra has deployed a solid academic offer that responds to the needs of today's society.
Innovative teaching, through collaborative work, new teaching methodologies and service-focused teaching are some of the projects that have enabled us to offer quality teaching recognised in international rankings.
The University of Navarra has increased its scientific production over the last two decades. Among other factors, the launching of new research centres, the development of the professional research career and the increase in the capacity of research groups to attract funding have been key factors.
While maintaining the lines that make up our thematic research map, we are particularly committed to research focused on caring for people and the environment.