We give visibility to the research activity carried out at the University of Navarra, highlighting relevant discoveries, technological advances and significant contributions to the scientific knowledge , its transfer and social impact.
Architecture, design and
applied technical sciences
An Open Innovation Ecosystem for exploitation of materials for building envelopes towards zero energy buildings.
Biomedicine and health
Oncolytic viruses for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors: An integrated clinical and lab approach.
Discover how our researchers are transforming knowledge into innovative solutions for today's challenges.
How do I disseminate my results from research?
We help you.
If you are staff researcher of the University of Navarra contact us to give visibility to your scientific results. You can write to ucci@unav.es to tell us about your research recently published in a scientific journal or in the process of publication.
We also advise you on how to respond to requests for information from the media and support you in giving visibility to other knowledge dissemination scientific initiatives.
Together we will work out the best way to ensure that your research reaches society in an accessible and attractive way.
Useful links
guide of experts for the media
One way to make your research visible is to make your knowledge available to the media.
This guide is an approach between the researcher, its field of work to the professional of scientific communication. It brings together 539 experts, including professors, researchers and practitioners from the academic center; and 1572 specialties organized in 21 areas of knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence Experts
The University has published a guide of experts in artificial intelligence, which includes professors and researchers from various Schools and related centers. The guide covers the study of AI in areas such as medicine, industry, law, Economics, ethics, journalism and Education.
Portal of Scientific Production
The University of Navarra is strongly committed to the creation and dissemination of knowledge. This portal sample the outstanding work of its researchers and the scientific achievements that contribute to the global advancement of knowledge, highlighting its research identity and its impact at the international level.
Do you need financial aid to Spread your research?
Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
Central Building
University of Navarra
ucci@unav.es - T: +34948425606 Ext. 80 2284