Visor de contenido web (Global)




Aplicaciones anidadas



The University has more than 50 delegates spread across five continents. A team ready to help you choose the Degree that best suits you profile and that will accompany you throughout the admission process and enrollment.


Delegados: contacta

Find your delegate on the map and contact him/her at contact . If you can't find the delegate's e-mail address in your area, write to and we will help you.


Visor de contenido web (Global)



Alfonso Abascal

Delegate of Cantabria and Castilla León (Except Burgos and Soria)


+34 633 812 816

Jesús Ayala Osacar

Delegate of Navarra


+34 948 425 600 Ext. 802394

Isabel Béjar Castán

Delegate for Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Andorra


+34 618 169 157

Candela Duato

Delegate of C. Valenciana and Murcia


+34 609 689 995

María González Blanco

Delegate of Madrid


+34 648 083 922

Javier Ilardia

Delegate of Madrid


+34 615 245 151

Mery Juarros Reglero

Delegate for La Rioja, Álava, Burgos and Soria


+34 636 13 71 04

Alberto López García

Delegate of Eastern Andalusia


+34 699 761 618

Diego Maraña

Delegate for Galicia and Asturias


+34 618 169 147

Margarita Pérez de Eulate Vargas

Delegate for Western Andalusia and Extremadura


+34 629 35 93 83

Ana Rivero

Canary Islands Delegate


+34 611 008 256

Ana Yanguas Alfaro

Delegate of Aragon


+34 669 583 071

Javier Yoldi

Delegate of Guipuzcoa and Biscay


+34 948 425 600 Ext. 773170 / 609 315 823


Maite Rodrigo Llodio

Delegate of Africa


+34 638 884 680

Junior Fodop

Delegate for West and Central Africa


Martín Zulaica

Delegate of Argentina


+54 934130007818

Beatriz Plágaro

Asia Delegate


+34 628 291 509

Ramón Freixa

Delegate of Bolivia


Pablo Miller

Delegate of Bolivia (La Paz)


Fernanda Bacetti

Delegate of Brazil (Curitiba)


Ana Karam

Delegate of Brazil (Sao Paulo)


Margarita Carbonell

Delegate of Colombia - Barranquilla


+57 3156305119

Carolina Acosta

Delegate of Colombia - Bogotá


María Fernanda Solís

Delegate of Costa Rica


+506 8422 3434

María José Calvimontes

Delegate of Chile


Pilar Berián

Delegate of Croatia


Fernando Chapresto

Delegate of Ecuador - Guayaquil


Guillermo Callejo

Delegate of Ecuador - Quito



Evelyn de Ruiz

Delegate of El Salvador


Ramzi Jazmati

Delegate of the United Arab Emirates


Rosanne De Lange

Delegate of the Philippines


Irene Flores

Delegate of Guatemala


Ana Villeda

Delegate of Honduras


Rafael Castro

Delegate of Hungary


Mariano Iturbe

Delegate of India


Francesca Amicarella

Delegate of Italy and Switzerland


Ángeles Lascurain

Delegate of Mexico - Mexico City


+52 1 553663 3825

Ana Sofía Piña

Delegate of Mexico - State of Mexico


+52 5574698689

Jesús Jorge Martínez Ronquillo

Delegate of Mexico


Antonio Benítez

Delegate for Mexico - Monterrey


+52 8182872605

Luis Roberto Rosales

Delegate of Nicaragua


Gabriela de la Guardia

Delegate of Panama



Jorge Mackinnon

Delegate of Paraguay and Uruguay


Rocío Amanda Vásquez

Delegate of Peru


Higinio J. Paterna

Delegate of Poland


José Ortiz Valladares

Delegate of Puerto Rico


Lucita Porcella

Delegate of the Dominican Republic


Dálida Grasetti

Delegate of the Dominican Republic


Magdalena Gaete

Eurasia Delegate


Elisa Herrera

US Delegate - Miami


Martha Martínez

U.S. Delegate - Texas and California


Cristina McCarthy

United States Delegate - Washington


Verónica Rodríguez

Delegate of Venezuela