The Board of Governors is made up of the members of Office of the Executive Council, the Clinic's generaldirector and the directors and deans of the main academic centres. It meets at least once a quarter and, in addition to its statutory powers, serves as a forum for sharing experiences and deliberating on the main strategic lines of governance.
It is made up of:
President: María Iraburu Elizalde
Vice President for Faculty Pablo Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez
Vice President for Research and Sustainability: Paloma Grau Gumbau
Vice President for Academic Affairs: Secundino Fernández González
Vice President from Students and International Office: Rosalía Baena Molina
Vice President of development and projects: Gonzalo Robles González
Vice President of Communication: Mónica Herrero Subías
University Secretary: Jesús Mª Ezponda Iradier
Administrator: Igor Errasti Alcalá
General Manager: Álvaro Balibrea Cárceles
Dean of the School of Law: Mercedes Galán Lorda
Dean, School of Medicine: Marta Ferrer Puga
Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Julia Pavón Benito
Dean, School of Communication: Charo Sádaba Chalezquer
Dean of the School of Sciences: Alberto Pérez Mediavilla
Dean of the School of Nursing: Ana Choperena Armendáriz
Dean, School of Canon Law: Joaquín Sedano Rueda
Dean, School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: María Javier Ramírez Gil
Dean, School of Theology: Gregorio Guitián Crespo
Dean of the School of Economic Sciences: Antonio Moreno Ibáñez
Dean of the School of Education and Psychology: Carolina Ugarte Artal
Dean of the School Ecclesiastic of Philosophy: Santiago Collado González
Director of the School of Engineering: Raúl Antón Remírez
Director, School of Architecture: Carlos Naya Villaverde
Dean of IESE: Franz Heukamp
General Manager, Clínica Universidad de Navarra: Joseba Campos
Director of ISSA School of Applied Management: Victoria Rodríguez Chacón
University Chaplain: Eduardo Terrasa Messuti
University Delegate: Marta Olaizola
University Subdelegate: Almudena Uclés